Protected: 6 – Understanding Buyer Psyche with Zach Barney
Zach Barney has valuable insight into the different aspects of a buyer's psyche, and in this video he explains why understanding the mind frame of a lead can make or break your chances at eventually landing a deal with them. When you reach…
The Tools You Need To Nail That Tech Sales Job
Now that you are past the basics of landing the tech sales job you want, let’s get into some more of the advanced concepts. One major part of the application process that people don’t take advantage of is the vast amount of tools available…
Protected: 5 – How to Build Better Sales Presentations with Alli McKee
Often times every rep on a sales team has a slightly different “franken-deck” that they present from, and most of the good marketing content goes unused. Instead, Alli McKee explains, every rep should tell the same story using the same…
Protected: 4 – Negotiating Tactics and Countermeasures with Tony Perzow
In this course, Tony Perzow lays out some of the most commonly used negotiating tactics and how to countermeasure them with authority and confidence. Negotiating tactics:- The Nibble- The Squeeze- The Trial Balloon If…
Protected: 2 – Call Coaching – A Lesson by Lauren Bailey
In this course, Lauren Bailey explains that the majority of call coaching that happens is informal, and many people do not have structured call coaching meetings, training sessions, or conversations. This is because sales is one of the busiest…
Protected: 3 – How to Leverage Sales Automation to Land More Deals, A Lesson By Krish Ramineni
In this video course, Krish Ramineni explains that effective sales comes down to two things: your ability to be a great salesperson, and your drive to reach a large number of leads. Sales automation has three main pillars: Process: Your…
Protected: 1 – A Lesson on Introductions by Lauren Bailey
Lauren Bailey from Factor 8 lays out some of her most useful introduction tips when making cold calls as a sales rep. It’s easy to fall into a routine of mediocre and mundane intros that often lead nowhere, and her insight outlined below…
Top Sales Jobs in Tech
Tech is dominating the industry right now. Creative entrepreneurs have come up with many unique ways to provide value to individuals, businesses, and even governments. Because the industry is so large and far-reaching, hundreds of thousands…
How to Best Prepare For a Phone Screen/Phone Interview?
Consider this: You've been applying what you've learned in the previous sections. You're long-shot message on LinkedIn to the CEO of your favorite company actually worked. She sends you a message saying "I will give you a call in a few days."…
Identifying and Contacting the Best People in Your Job Search
If you’ve been keeping up with our articles you will know that the job hunt is very similar to sales in general. Part of being successful in both fields is knowing where to look for the highest quality leads as possible. Luckily, because of…
Introducing the Latest Version of Rainmakers: The Ultimate Sourcing Solution for Sales Talent
In the fast-paced world of sales, finding and hiring top talent quickly can be a game-changer for your business. Whether you’re a startup building your first sales team or an established company looking to scale, the efficiency of your hiring process directly impacts your bottom line. That’s where Rainmakers comes in—a cutting-edge marketplace designed to […]