how to get a tech sales job with no experience

2020 is around the corner and you want to get a new job in tech sales. Problem is, you’re not sure if you have the experience. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we’ll explain how to go about getting a tech sales job in seven steps, even if you have limited experience.

Step 1: Basic Research

Making any important decision in life, like lookig for a new job, often begins with research. In order to wrap your head around the tech sales ecosystem, do some basic searches around tech sales stack examples, major players in the industry, what types of roles there are, and how you can move up the ranks over time. Be sure to also familiarize yourself with the terminology of any verticles you are particularly interested in, as you would not want to be caught off guard in a conversation with a possible recruiter down the line.

Step 2: Build A Tech Oriented Sales Resume

Your resume is a representation of you, so you want it to reflect on you in the best way possible and highlight your strengths. Even if you are competing against seasoned salespeople, you can get the most out of the experience you do have.

Think back to your past experiences and pull together a summary of the most relatable sales skills you can bring over into your new responsibilities as a sales representative in the tech industry.

Not sure what those relatable skills might be? No worries, we’re here to help you out.

For starters, if you have any sales experience at all from a previous job that’s absolutely a great place to start. Whether or not you’ve specifically sold technology, if you’ve gone about selling anything, much of the selling process remains the same.

You’ll still be uncovering as much information as you can about your prospective customer in order to learn what it is that they want or need and then tying the underlying reasons behind that desire back to your product or service.

What if you don’t have any previous sales experience?

Don’t worry, you can still find a way. At the end of the day, sales is simply the profession of persuasion. No matter what kind of work experience you have, you’ll almost certainly have had to do some kind of persuading.

Whether it was persuading your co-workers to jump on board with your new idea or even to go eat together at a particular restaurant, what you’ve been doing is persuading people. That said if you really can’t think of any situations where you’ve done some kind of persuading, well… perhaps you may want to reconsider a profession in sales.

Let’s move on. So now you’ve got your resume all built up and polished. What next? Getting interviews. 

Step 3: Begin Your Job Search Process

There are many ways you can go about this. You can go directly to a company’s website to look for open positions if you have a specific one in mind, but more often than not you’re going to need some help with even identifying what companies you’d like to work for.

This is where platforms and recruiters can come in handy. If you do some searching online there are plenty of them, even ones dedicated specifically to tech sales, that you can leverage. Of course, we can help you too. 

Step 4: Make Sure You Prepare For Your Interview FAR Ahead Of Time

There are a few things you’re going to want to do before you step foot into the room with your potential employer.  

  • Research about the company itself.
  • Learn when they were founded.
  • Learn their products and and unique value proposition.
  • Discover what differentiate them from the other players in the market.
  • Find any other details that seem important to be informed about.
  • Recent news about and announcements from the company are always a plus.

Step 5: Learn Your Target Company’s Sales Process (And Picture Yourself In It)

Above all, you’ll want to really familiarize yourself with their sales process. After all, you are applying for a position in sales.


You need to understand the following things intimately:

  • Who are your potential customers are and how will you find them?
  • What tools or services will you be using?
  • If you’re not sure, this can actually be a great question for you to ask during your interview.
  • What are the tools and services the company is using today?
  • Why did they choose to bring on those specific tools?


Questions to ask yourself:

  • How are you going to reach out and get connected with your prospects?
  • What’s the reasoning behind your strategy?
  • Based on the company’s target industry, market and customer profiles – what methods do you think will be most effective? And why?


Here’s what you should do:

  • Schedule a time to have a conversation with your prospect to learn more about them.
  • What is their current situation?
  • What problems are they dealing with?
  • Based on what you uncover, think of the ways you can best articulate the ways in which your company’s products or services can alleviate those pains.


In technology sales, the step that usually comes after the discovery is the demo.

This is where you as the sales rep have the floor and opportunity to clearly illustrate to your prospect how their lives will be improved through the use of your product or service.

You do this by relating the benefits your company provides to the problems they voiced to you during the discovery part phase.

There may be a bit of back and forth after that in terms of negotiation and the need to deal with a procurement team but soon after the demo the final step you’ll want to end with is closing the deal.

This is when your prospect and the involved stakeholders have made the decision to move forward in doing business with your company and are willing to put pen to paper, or so to say.

Step 6: Revisit and Master Stages of the Sales Funnel

A great way to think of this process from a high level is to think of it much like a funnel.

In fact, the concept of a sales funnel is very prevalent in the world of technology sales and is something you’ll likely want to familiarize yourself with as well.

You can easily do a search for this term online and get a quick understanding of what it is and how it would work for a business. As a quick summary though, it’s the idea of taking a large number of leads, which you then refine into prospects based on some target criteria, and ultimately convert into customers by putting them through the sales process.

Awesome. So you’ve done your research and taken the time to understand what the sales process is and how it works. All that’s left for you to do now is nail the interview.

Step 7: Nail The Interview

There’s a ton of advice out there around the best ways to approach an interview but here are a few pointers to help you get started.

Be on time. In fact, show up a bit early so you have some time to spare. Trust me, having that little extra time before the interview to level-set and get your head straight can only bode well for you.

Next, keep in mind that most hiring managers are likely looking for 3 primary qualities.

Those are competency, character and the ability to learn.

Competency is simply a measure of whether or not you can do the job at hand. If given the opportunity, would you be someone the company can rely on to get things done effectively?

Character is important because let’s face it, whether you like it or not, co-workers are people we end up spending a lot of time with. As such your potential boss is probably looking to see if you’re someone he/she can stand having around and, more importantly, if you’re someone he/she can trust.

The last quality you want to make sure to convey to the person at the other side of the table is the ability to learn.

As a bonus, you may want to think about emotional intelligence too. This will help you to become more empathetic as a sales professional, something that employers definitely care about.

Sure, it’s great and all if you’re a good person who’s capable of doing the job at hand but, that’s not all that’s important in the work place. Change is imminent in all aspects of life and business is no different. Your boss is going to want to know that, should it become necessary, you’ll be someone who’s open to new ideas and willing to adapt to the changing circumstances rather than someone who is always stuck in their old ways.

Again there’s a ton more information out there on additional things you can do to do well on an interview but keep these things in mind and you should land your dream job in tech sales in no time. Now go out there and make it rain!

Find A Sales Job In Tech

The economy is the strongest it’s been in years, and companies know it. It’s going to be a great year for getting your new job in tech sales, and that’s exactly what we will help you achieve.

One way to ensure you get the best possible job is to first be aware of what’s out there. We put together this list of all the great opportunities that were recently available. Please note that all numbers are estimates and could have slightly changed since we wrote this article.

Here are some abbreviations used:

  • SDR – Sales Development Representative
  • ADR – Account Development Representative
  • BDR – Business Development Representative
  • ISR – Inside Sales Rep
  • SMB AE – Small business Account Executive
  • MM AE – Mid-market Account Executive
  • EAE – Enterprise AE
  • MNG – Management

25. World Wide Technology

Overall ranking: #99

Company rating: 4.2

What it does: Technology consulting

What employees say: “Bar none, THE BEST place I have ever worked.” — World Wide Technology Senior Consultant (Denver, Colorado)

24. Expedia Group

Overall ranking: #92

Company rating: 4.2

What it does: Travel technology

What employees say: “Expedia is the best place to work. I have been here for 11 months and enjoying every single day. The culture is upbeat, leadership is transparent, clear on direction, and very well-organized process-oriented company. Awesome work-life balance.” — Expedia Software Engineering Manager (Chicago, Illinois)

23. HP Inc.

Overall ranking: #87

Company rating: 4.2

What it does: Maker of laptops, PC desktops, printers, and more.

What employees say: “HP’s global footprint makes it unique in allowing you to have a BIG impact. Senior leaders are quality execs who’ve proven their mettle. Lots of opportunity to contribute given the size of the businesses.” — Anonymous HP Employee

22. NetApp

Overall ranking: #82

Company rating: 4.2

What it does: Data storage solutions

What employees say: “Great team chemistry. Interesting work. This company cares about its employees a lot and there are numerous events at work and outside work which show this.” — NetApp HPC Solutions Architect (Sunnyvale, California)

21. Apple

Overall ranking: #71

Company rating: 4.3

What it does: Computer hardware and software, and more.

What employees say: “The company is AMAZING. There are limitless advancement opportunities. You work with some very cool people and the leadership cares about your development. You may get coaching but you never get battered or belittled.” — Apple At Home Advisor (Lakewood, Colorado)

find the best sales career for yo

20. Cisco Systems

Overall ranking: #69

Company rating: 4.3

What it does: IT, networking, and cybersecurity solutions

What employees say: “Military Friendly Culture empowers and gives transitioning veterans the opportunity to learn develop self to full potential. As a Military Retiree I feel there could not have been a better company to transition to than Cisco and the leadership team is very understanding and appreciative of what we bring to the table.” — Cisco Program Manager (Austin, Texas)

19. Paycom

Overall ranking: #62

Company rating: 4.3

What it does: Payroll and HR software

What employees say: “This is honestly the best job I think I’ll ever have. The benefits are amazing and the pay is more than I ever thought I could get. BE WARNED this job is hard. Never in my life have I had so much stress. That’s the reason why it pays so well. Be prepared to be stressed every day and have heavy daily work loads and have new procedures constantly thrown at you from management. But guess what it’s your job so you either adapt or you don’t make it.” — Paycom Specialist (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)

18. AppDynamics

Overall ranking: #58

Company rating: 4.3

What it does: App performance analytics

What employees say: “Great encouraging and supportive leadership. Promotional opportunities every quarter. Family atmosphere, where everyone has a genuine interest in you as an individual and employee.” — AppDynamics Business Development Representative (Dallas, Texas)

17. VMware

Overall ranking: #51

Company rating: 4.3

What it does: Cloud infrastructure and digital workspace technology

What employees say: “Lots of smart and talented coworkers who are happy to share information you will learn a lot in a short amount of time but are expected to contribute. Slackers need not apply. If you’re a slacker you won’t survive the high stress and fast pace.” — VMware Technical Support (Broomfield, Colorado)

16. Kronos Incorporated

Overall ranking: #44

Company rating: 4.3

What it does: HR, payroll, recruiting, and timekeeping software

What employees say: “The culture is positive. Employees are hard-working and care. Leadership cares for employees and their experience. The company also cares for their customers.” —Anonymous Kronos Employee (Denver, Colorado)

top companies hiring salespeople

15. Cengage

Overall ranking: #41

Company rating: 4.3

What it does: Education technology and online textbooks

What employees say: “The leadership of the company has been jaw-droppingly motivated, visionary, and transparent. They have turned a company haunted by downturns in the market into a trendsetter that is adapting profitably. Along the way they have been committed to employee growth and job satisfaction. I am thrilled with what we are doing for learning.” — Senior Cengage Systems Analyst (Rapid City, South Dakota)

14. TaskUs

Overall ranking: #40

Company rating: 4.3

What it does: Outsourced customer support

What employees say: “Taskus puts their people first, they understand that their people are the ones who make their company! I have gone through many interviews with other companies, and Taskus is the first one who truly shows it!” — TaskUs Digital Content Moderator (San Antonio, Texas)

13. Intuit

Overall ranking: #38

Company rating: 4.3

What it does: Business and financial software

What employees say: “Incredible company that has market dominance, yet also has so much room to grow. Management constantly preaches disruption, and it’s reflected in our priorities and work.” — Intuit Data Scientist


Overall ranking: #36

Company rating: 4.3

What it does: Creates interactive graphics for gaming and professional markets, like healthcare

What employees say: “I’ll be up front and say that it has always been my dream to work here. With that in mind, I came in telling myself to look at this place as objectively as possible to not cloud my judgment. After working here for over a year, I must say, the hype is real.” — Senior Nvidia Systems Engineer (Santa Clara, California)

11. Microsoft

Overall ranking: #34

Company rating: 4.4

What it does: Creates computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and more.

What employees say: “Respect for the individual, constant stressing of core cultural values of letting everyone be heard, etc. Decent work/life balance, though it’s hugely dependent on the individual to enforce. Individuals are encouraged to engage with managers at any level (for example, with your manager’s manager’s manager…). There’s a general high level of passion for the products we make.” — Senior Microsoft Electrical Engineer (Redmond, Washington)

best sales jobs in tech

10. Compass

Overall ranking: #32

Company rating: 4.4

What it does: Real estate agency and platform for buying, selling, and renting a home.

What employees say: “Having recently joined Compass, all I can say about the company, its mission, and the people in it is… ‘simply amazing.’ Compass is a unicorn. It is that rare company that combines passion, focus, execution, vision, and has a heart and a soul.” — Anonymous Compass Employee (San Francisco, California)

9. Adobe

Overall ranking: #30

Company rating: 4.4

What it does: Software development company best known for its design and photo-editing solutions.

What employees say: “Relentless commitment to customer success. This is the core of most day-to-day decisions and the North Star for all activity. This makes it a place to be proud to work. Incredible products. Amazing benefits and culture that draws incredibly talented individuals.” — Adobe Learning Specialist (San Jose, California)

8. SAP

Overall ranking: #27

Company rating: 4.4

What it does: Develops enterprise software to help manage business operations and customer relations.

What employees say: “We have yoga and meditation classes, mindfulness workshops. Many invited guests from technology industries to provides you with information.
Leadership women work shops, global coaching, mentoring programs, and flexible work environment.
 It is truly a top-notch company that will give back to their employees.”— SAP Manager (Montreal, Québec)

7. Paylocity

Overall ranking: #20

Company rating: 4.4

What it does: Payroll and HR software

What employees say: “Great company culture. People that really believe in what we do, and investment in technology to push the envelope.” — Paylocity Account Executive (Tampa, Florida)

6. Ultimate Software

Overall ranking: #18

Company rating: 4.4

What it does: HR software, including payroll, benefits, and timekeeping products.

What employees say: “Amazing company. It’s the only payroll / HCM organization that truly cares about the customer – and while it’s not easy – the organization has maintained an amazing culture all in an effort to provide the best support to the customer. I love that.” — Anonymous Ultimate Software Employee

find sales job in tech

5. DocuSign

Overall ranking: #17

Company rating: 4.4

What it does: Electronic signature technology

What employees say: “We’re on a good path with no signs of slowing down and a lot of untapped market potential. This is great news. Because the company is growing fast, there’s a lot of opportunity to grow your career and step up into new roles.” — DocuSign Enterprise Corporate Sales (San Francisco, California)

4. HubSpot

Overall ranking: #16

Company rating: 4.4

What it does: Sales and marketing software

What employees say: “I’ve been at HubSpot now for almost 4 years, and there’s nowhere else I’ve even thought about working in that time. Why? HubSpot is a great place to work. I feel like I’m valued. I have a lot of autonomy in how, when, and where I work. I feel strongly about the mission of the company.” — Anonymous HubSpot Employee (Cambridge, Massachusetts)

3. Salesforce

Overall ranking: #11

Company rating: 4.4

What it does: Customer-relationship management software

What employees say: “Supportive and inclusive environment, clear and reasonable expectations, challenging environment, awesome corporate mission, lots of room and support for professional growth.” — Salesforce Solutions Engineer (Cincinnati, Ohio)

2. Procore Technologies

Location: New York City, New York

Types of jobs: SDR, BDR, SMB AE, MM AE, E AE, Mng

Compensation: $49,000 – $125,000

Overall ranking: #2

Company rating: 4.5

What it does: Cloud-based video conferencing technology

find the best sales career for yo

1. Zoom Video Communications

Location: San Francisco, NYC, Dallas, Chicago, Irvine, etc.

Types of jobs: SDR, BDR, SMB AE, MM AE, E AE, Mng

Compensation: Variety

Overall ranking: #1

Company rating: 4.5

What it does: Cloud-based video conferencing technology

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emotional intelligence sales job 2018

Imagine walking into your office on Monday morning only to discover that after months of courting your top prospect has terminated their relationship with you. Would you throw a fit and blame your sales team? Or would you take a moment to compose yourself and then start figuring out what went wrong? While we’d all like to believe we would choose the third reaction, emotions can be a difficult beast to tame. And although equating intelligence with emotion may seem like an oxymoron, emotional intelligence now accounts for 80% of the qualities responsible for success in the workplace.

And if you happen to be in the market for a new sales gig, emotional intelligence is one the most underrated qualities you can possess as a sales candidate.

The challenge? You can’t easily claim that you’re an emotionally intelligent person during an interview because it’s not a numerically measurable KPI.

Emotional intelligence on a resume is like a deflected pass in basketball. You know it makes a difference, but it’s hard to prove the ROI. 

So, What Exactly is Emotional Intelligence?

In a nutshell, emotional intelligence involves a person’s ability to recognize and regulate their own emotions as well as the emotions of others.

A study of Fortune 500 companies found that salespeople with high emotional intelligence “outperformed those with medium to low EI by 50%“. With numbers like these, it’s no wonder an increasing number of sales professionals are investing in the development of their emotional intelligence to obtain the following qualities.

Self Awareness:

Those with high emotional intelligence are self-aware, which means they know their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to customer relations. This is important as it allows you to understand how you come across to potential clients and promotes a relationship based on understanding.


Self-control is also a trait of the emotionally intelligent and is especially important in sales. Dealing with clients is unpredictable, to say the least, which means the ability to control your emotions could be the difference between a closed deal and a lost one.


Empathy is the ability to understand what others think or feel. In other words, it’s the ability to put yourself in your prospective clients’ shoes in order to understand them better.

Much like self-control, empathy can save a strained professional relationship. Rather than pushing your own agenda, empathy allows you to understand where your client is coming from and enables you to provide them with what they need in that moment.

Fortunately, while some individuals naturally exhibit high levels of emotional intelligence, it is also a skill set that can be improved upon with the following practices.

Key Takeaways For Improving Your Emotional IQ

1) Scheduled Self-Reflection:

Salespeople are notoriously busy. Between answering and sending out emails, managing client relationships, and putting out proverbial fires it can be difficult to carve out some downtime.

Although it may seem counterproductive to put your day on hold for self-reflection, it could be the secret weapon you need to increase your sales. It takes time to examine our behavior and set intentions for change, without it our desire to improve is a moot point.

Whether it’s riding the subway or waiting for your spin class to start, find the time to ask yourself some introspective questions such as:

What did I do well today, and how can I continue that behavior?

What caused me to react poorly today?

What can I do differently next time?

2) Practice Empathy:

Take a moment prior to your interactions to view things from the other side of the table. Sure, your prospects may have a need for what you’re selling, but they likely don’t have the time to understand everything that you offer. This means they need you to be their valued shortcut that helps them to make an informed decision without wasting precious time.

3) Practice Responding, Not Reacting:

Remember the scenario above about losing a top prospect? The first two scenarios are examples of reacting to an emotional trigger, while the last scenario is an example of responding.

In contrast to an unconscious emotional reaction, responding involves making a conscious choice about how you will act. So, the next time someone cuts in front of you in the Starbucks line or uses the last of the coffee creamer at work – practice your cool, calm, and collected response.

Nobody said being a salesperson was easy, but there are times when it’s undeniably worth it. While the challenges you face every day may never change, your reactions can — all it takes is a little practice.


Are you looking to make a career move that also has the potential to bring in a little extra cash and pay you what you’re worth? Then, check out the top 10 openings in San Francisco for AE, SDR, and BDR roles.

Account Executive Positions

Job Title: Enterprise Account Executive

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 51-200

More info on Terminus: “Terminus is a fast-growing technology company in Atlanta, challenging the status quo of B2B marketing. We’ve built an industry-leading Account-Based Marketing (ABM) platform that enables our customers to be more targeted in reaching their ideal customers, driving powerful business outcomes, including an increase in revenue and acceleration of pipeline velocity.”

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Job Title: Account Executive – Enterprise

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 11-50

More info on RapidAPI: “RapidAPI lets developers find, try and connect to APIs more easily. Call an API directly from your browser and export the code into your app in whatever language you like (NodeJS, PHP, Python, cURL, Java, Objective C). As you connect to multiple APIs, you just call Rapid instead of calling each individual API. RapidAPI manages all those connections and saves all your API keys. That way, you can keep your code nice and clean and focus on creating”

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Job Title: Senior Enterprise Account Executive

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees:

More info on Process Street: “Process Street is a SaaS platform that helps companies manage their processes and workflows. We are a lean, flexible, 100% distributed team that relies on systems to improve output 10X. Process Street is a venture-backed startup and an AngelPad alum (the #1 Accelerator in the US).”

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Job Title: Senior Account Executive

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 51-200

More info on Adikteev: “Adikteev works with app advertisers to retarget their users while they use other apps to generate more revenue (increase LTV) or bring back churned users (increase DAU). The main focus of our campaigns is often incrementality, meaning we measure the uplift using a control/target group setup. We are connected to all major ad exchanges and display our ads only on in-app inventory. We focus on playable & interactive rich media ads that we build in-house (we have an in-house creative studio).”

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Job Title: Global Enterprise Account Executive

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 201-500

More info on GoCardless: “Our platform makes it easy to collect Direct Debit payments. It’s perfect for invoice payments of variable amounts, subscriptions, and fees.”

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Job Title: Senior Account Executive

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 51-200

More info on Pusher: “Pusher is the category leader in delightful APIs for app developers building communication and collaboration features. Using its core product, Channels, developers can easily create interactive features such as in-app notifications, activity streams, chat, real-time dashboards, and multi-user collaborative apps.”

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Job Title: Account Executive

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 51-200

More info on BrightIdea: “We sell software to the most innovative companies in the world. Our customers have reported more than $5B worth of net impact to their organizations. We’re the #1 player in the market and have plans to grow dramatically over the next few years.”

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Job Title: Account Executive

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 11-50

More info on Acquire: “Acquires users are support agents who help online customers. One of the most requested tools for support agents is to allow them to see and interact with the customer screen visually since they typically use a basic chat solution or over the phone. In this scenario, agents typically try to guide the customer blindly, increasing handle time and decreasing conversions.”

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Job Title: Account Executive

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 11-50

More info on Atrium: “At Atrium, we use data and smart analytics to help teams make better-informed work decisions. The company is based in San Francisco and is backed by Charles River Ventures, First Round Capital, and notable individual investors. Join us ( to enable an effective change in how people work.”

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Job Title: Enterprise Account Executive

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 11-50

More info on Strong DM: “Centrally manage access to every database & server in every environment.”

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Sales Development Rep Positions

Job Title: Sales Development Representative

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 11-50

More info on Hevo Data: “At Hevo, we are building the world’s most secure and scalable data integration platform as a service (PaaS). There has been a fundamental change in the number of data companies are generating these days. More and more users in an organization are looking at data now. Data is no longer a second-class citizen, and companies see data as a competitive advantage rather than a geek’s obsession.”

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Job Title: Sales Development Representative

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees:

More info on Juniper Square: “Juniper Square is transforming the real estate investment experience for both sponsors and investors.”

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Job Title: Sales Development Representative

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 51-200

More info on Kong: “We are the company behind Kong, the most widely adopted open-source API gateway. We have a world-class Enterprise platform, and our mission is to facilitate a new revolution in software production by serving as the backbone of the distribution and consumption of data and services through APIs.”

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Job Title: Sales Development Representative

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 11-50

More info on Intricately: “We give marketing and sales teams an inside look into the spending, usage, and adoption of cloud technologies to predict revenue opportunities. We work with marketing and sales teams to provide an unfair advantage in finding and acquiring new customers through our spend intelligence data which monitor how companies consume cloud products across every application.”

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Job Title: Sales Development Representative

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 11-50

More info on “ is a search-as-a-service company that provides AI-first search to companies like and Expensify. We focus on four key pillars to deliver an amazing search experience: natural language processing, automatic re-ranking of results driven by machine learning, collaborative personalization, and industry-leading merchant controls.”

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Job Title: Senior Sales Development Representative

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 51-200

More info on Adikteev: “Adikteev works with app advertisers to retarget their users while they use other apps to generate more revenue (increase LTV) or bring back churned users (increase DAU).”

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Job Title: Senior Sales Development Representative

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 11-50

More info on Leapfin: “Leapfin is the leading unified financial data platform for modern businesses. Leapfin automates financial data management and complex processes. Our customers include Flexport, Canva, Vimeo, Top Hat, Salesforce, and thredUP.”

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Job Title: Sales Development Representative

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 51-200

More info on Rainforest: “Rainforest QA is modern testing for web and mobile apps. The Rainforest platform delivers all the resources needed for fast, efficient QA. Rainforest combines a massive crowd of human testers with algorithmic management and virtual machines to execute web and mobile regression testing for continuous deployment.”

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Job Title: Sales Development Representative

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 51-200

More info on Mixmax: “Mixmax makes email as powerful as web pages by enabling actions like completing purchases, confirming expense reports, scheduling events, and answering surveys—all within an email, no plugins required. Any developer can bring interactive apps into email using Mixmax as a platform without worrying about client peculiarities.”

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Job Title: Sales Development Representative

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 51-200

More info on Heap: “Heap builds analytics infrastructure that powers decisions for over 6,000 online businesses. Connect your customer data sources with a few clicks. Then, Heap will start capturing _every single_ user interaction automatically — clicks, swipes, gestures, form submissions, emails, support tickets, and more.”

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Business Development Representative Positions

Job Title: Business Development Associate

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 1-10

More info on Janeous: “Janeous is a mobile-first digital job fair platform that uses algorithms to match the right companies with the right candidates for 2-way video interviews. Our data-driven speed interview platform will reduce your process from 5 weeks to 5 minutes so you can easily identify your next professional-level hire.”

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Job Title: Business Development – FinTech Partnerships

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 51-200

More info on Synapse: “Synapse builds tools that allow companies to integrate banking products into their applications. We power everything from rental and invoicing platforms to payment apps, crowdfunding sites, and currency exchanges.”

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Job Title: Business Development Associate

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 11-50

More info on Textline: “Textline is Software as a Service (SaaS) that lets customers text message businesses, rather than call or email.”

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Job Title: Business Development Associate

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 11-50

More info on Injective Protocol: “Backed by Binance Labs, we are building a layer-2 front-running resistant decentralized exchange that can support advanced trading features such as margin trading and derivatives.”

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Job Title: Business Development Representative

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 11-50

More info on Nylas: “Nylas is building a new API to power software with email, calendar, and contacts data and functionality, starting with simple REST APIs and infrastructure for developers.”

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contact rainmakers

Job Title: Business Development Representative

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 11-50

More info on Beyond Pricing: “Beyond Pricing is a SaaS product to help owners in the $85B vacation rental and home-sharing market maximize revenue from their homes with data-driven dynamic pricing.  We are the main platform for managing revenue for the 3 million vacation rentals in the US, Europe, and beyond.”

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Job Title: Business Development Representative

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 11-50

More info on WorkRamp: “WorkRamp empowers employees to reach their full potential. We build onboarding, training, and development products businesses use to accelerate employee growth.”

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Job Title: Business Development Representative

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 51-200

More info on Algolia: “Algolia’s hosted search API supplies the building blocks for creating great search to connect your users with what matters most to them. Our hosted search API powers billions of queries for thousands of websites & mobile applications every month, delivering relevant results in an as-you-type search experience in under 50ms anywhere in the world.”

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Job Title: Business Development Associate / Manager

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 1-10

More info on Cognition IP: “Our technology company is currently working on tools to help increase the efficiency of the patent prosecution pipeline from client intake to management to attorney review. Our tools also leverage advances in artificial intelligence to enable our attorneys and staff to work faster and smarter.”

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Job Title: Business Development Representative

Location: San Francisco

Number of Employees: 1-10

More info on ScoreScrub: “SourceScrub’s origination intelligence platform was built for origination professionals by investment professionals. Our platform streamlines the process of target identification through on-demand access to thousands of industry conferences, buyers guides, and award publications, as well as the ability to build your company, lists via keyword, geography, and firmographic details such as size & ownership.”

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The first problem when beginning the application process is the seemingly endless routine of submitting applications and not getting any response. We’ve heard stories of people sending out hundreds of resumes with almost zero responses. This is a real issue, but fortunately for job hunters everywhere, we have the solution.

Just like in the sales process, there are tons of people in the industry who are trying the same basic methods to make sales. This mirrors the same mistake people make during the application process. Just sending out generic resumes will blend you in with all the other people fighting for the same position. You need to either make your application pop or find a different way to reach your potential employer.

Why Aren’t I Getting Interviews?

The first step in the process of upgrading your application process is narrowing down the companies you want to work for. Everybody wants to work for the largest most well-known companies. They have the luxury of handpicking only the very best talent available to them. If you are still relatively new to the industry, then your best bet is to target companies closer to your range. This doesn’t mean the big companies are out of reach forever. Keep the dream job in mind and use it as motivation throughout your career.

Just like a focused salesperson, scan the field for targets that you know you can best serve. No matter what your skill level, there is a company out there that needs you. Beginners sometimes feel as though they have nothing to contribute to a company that needs a sales rock star. What they don’t realize is that sometimes a company just needs a motivated individual with a positive attitude who’s willing to learn.

Building Your List

The best place to start when picking companies to apply to is to first find overlap. Maybe they work with a type of product you already sell or they are the type of industry you want to sell to. Find similar deal sizes, similar sales cycle times, similar decision makers that you pitch to, similar departments that you are already familiar with.

Once you pick 5 to 10 companies that fit your skills and requirements, then the real work begins. Treat this process as a sales process. You want to make a connection with a high touch approach. The best way to make a low touch approach is to simply email them a bland resume. High touch approaches can be done through a variety of creative ways.

Before you make any attempt to reach out to a potential employer make sure all of your online profiles are updated and clean. Making a good impression on someone may lead to them doing a bit of research on you. Having problems with your online presence may lead to a potential lead to go cold instantly.

Making the contract requires you to be creative and not overly aggressive. Sometimes overzealous sales, people do things like wait outside the office every day or try and trap the CEO in an elevator to make their pitch. In rare cases, these outlandish acts can work, but the chances of having the police called on you are high.

Better ways to make the connection is finding out where the company usually networks. Do they attend any weekly, monthly, yearly events? Do they target a particular community that you can become a part of? Are they active on social media?

How To Prepare For The Onsite Interview

The onsite interview can be an intimidating stage of the hiring process. After all the work you’ve put in, you’re finally getting a shot to prove yourself. The following tips will help you answer questions and stand out from your competition.

Research the entire organization.

There are a lot of tools available that will help you do in-depth research on the company you are interviewing for. Tools like Vault, CareerSearch or The Riley Guide will provide a macro-level analysis of the organization and the industry as a whole.

It may seem simple but, visit the organization’s website. Make sure you understand exactly what they are offering. You can determine a lot about a company culture by looking at their website carefully. For example, make sure to check out their mission statement. Are they advocating from a moral cause? Are they trying to be the best in the industry? How can you help them achieve there mission?

Assess their products, services and client base. The key word here is “assess.” Don’t just get an understanding of what their product is, but understand its faults and strengths. When discussing the product offer suggestions about what, in your opinion, could be done better. Be cautious here, they probably know more about their product than you do, you don’t want to come off as naive by making a suggestion they have written off 6 months ago.

Get an idea of where the company has been and where it’s going. Reading relevant articles concerning the companies stability and future growth will provide you with great opportunities to show your understanding of the companies destiny.

Have some questions prepared? A company expects you to be curious about the position. They want you to show interest by asking good questions they themselves might not have answered in the interview.


First impressions are the most important. If you walk into your interview sloppy and unprepared, they will have no choice but to consider you sloppy and unprepared. At a bare minimum make sure that you’re wearing clean business casual attire that fits you well.

The default for any interview is conservative business attire, such as a neutral-colored suit and professional shoes. Some companies suggest “business casual.” Your best bet in this situation is always to err formal. It’s always best to appear a little too formal rather than a little too informal.

Iron your clothes before attending the interview. This falls into the category of presenting yourself as a clean and efficient person. A crisp ironed suit will not only look good, but it will speak volumes about your character.

Your presentation also depends on how prepared you are, here are a few things you should have ready during the interview:

  • Extra copies of your resume on quality paper
  • A notepad or professional binder and pen
  • A list of references
  • The information you might need to complete an application
  • A portfolio with samples of your work, if relevant

Closing The Interview

Ending the interview can be tricky. The last impression is sometimes the 2nd most memorable thing about your interview. To impress at the end of the interview make sure you have some in-depth questions about the company or your position/responsibilities. Questions that show that you have done your homework and are genuinely curious.

This is a good time to confront any issues you may be facing. No job is perfect, so making sure any negative aspects of the position are fully discussed and made clear. Once that’s done be sure to remind them of your skills and your passion for the position. Ask about the necessary next steps and if they need any more information from you.

End politely. A bit of wit and a smile can go a long way at the end of the interview.

Follow up

Always say thank you after the interview. You can do this through e-mail or even send an actual note. Make sure you show them you are grateful for their time. Even if you know you won’t be working there for whatever reason, it’s important to show that you are diligent in your process. The hiring process is stressful for everybody involved, it’s nice to get some positive feedback even for the employer.

Additionally, it may even prompt the employer to give you some helpful feedback. Sometimes we can have an interview and the interview never lets us know what went right and what went wrong. Getting as much information as you can is very important, this is another reason why the follow up is necessary.


The habits you develop during the interview process will carry over to your habits in sales. Being prepared, knowledgeable, and respectful will pave the way to success for you everything you do. These skills are more than just basic interview do’s and don’ts. They are skills that represent who you are as a professional.

Negotiating Your Sales Job Offer

How To Negotiate A Job Offer

You did it. You received an offer. All of your hard work has paid off, and now all you have to do is accept and reap the benefits…

Not really. The question you should be asking yourself here is, “Is this a good offer?” Instead of jumping for joy and accepting your new position, read the offer’s details and weigh the pros and cons. As we discussed in the last article, there’s no such thing as a perfect job. Your offer will have weaknesses; it’s your job to find them and see if you can improve the circumstances through negotiation.

If it’s lower than you expected, never turn it down on the spot.

Don’t be too hard-nosed when it comes to negotiation. Sometimes ambitious job seekers draw a line and refuse to go lower than they desire. This could be a good thing and a bad thing. In order to draw this line, ensure you understand the value you’re providing to the company.

Do you really want the job? Are you ready to commit to a high standard of professionalism? Are you confident you will be successful in the position? How much money do you actually need? You must answer all these questions to know best what you should be paid. The market isn’t often wrong. Your value usually clearly translates to a company depending on commitment and revenue potential.

Be realistic about your position in your career. This will help you see clearly when going over the terms of the offer.

how to negotiate salary

Tell them you’d like some time to think about it.

If you’re having difficulty coming to a decision, ask for more time. A corporation pressuring you to make a decision quickly is usually a bad sign. This decision is essential; you may need extra time to ensure you come to the correct conclusion.

Use this move sparingly. Nobody is going to wait forever for you to make a decision. Sometimes you may not know the right number for your salary or whether this company is the right one for you. But this is the nature of the business. Nobody ever has complete certainty, no matter how many excel spreadsheets they used to help them make a decision.

What will make you outstanding in your career in sales is learning how to trust intuition. Always do your due diligence, but sometimes you have to wing it.

Prepare a counter offer and explain why you feel you deserve it.

Let’s say you decide to accept the position, but you know you are worth more than they are offering. Now is the time for negotiation.

Initially, the salary they offer you doesn’t have to be the final number. When you have the opportunity to negotiate the deal, make sure you emphasize your ability to make money for the company. Project your anticipated long-term sales to show how much of a valuable investment you will be. Provide as much evidence as possible to prove how valuable you will be to the company. If you make a good case, it will be hard for your employer to turn you down.

You don’t need to act tough in the negotiation; show why you deserve x amount of dollars a year with facts and reason. Then, if they don’t budge, you can continuously pursue your other opportunities.

negotiating a new salary tips

Always mention if you have any other opportunities in play to create urgency and healthy competition.

There’s an art to mentioning that you have other opportunities available tactfully. It would be best to make that clear before the offer is made in the initial interview.

Nervously saying, “I have another opportunity that will pay me to double!” will show desperation and reduce your bargaining power. Instead, let’s say you received an opportunity after making the offer. In that case, you can be honest. Tell them something better has popped up since the offer, and you are considering accepting. Don’t use it as a tool to insult them, be as honest as you can about the situation.

The increased sense of urgency may cause them to sweeten the pot to secure your position. If this happens, and you decide to accept, do it gracefully. The last thing you want to do after accepting an offer is to give your employer the feeling of “I win”; it will color your relationship negatively from that point on.

Always show enthusiasm and appreciation for an offer, even if it’s lower than expected.

You never want to insult the person offering you a deal. Even if the negotiation didn’t go as planned, you showed charisma and a desire to pursue what you wanted. The worst thing you can do at this moment is to show disdain.

The salary you accept when you take the job isn’t permanent. If you genuinely got less than you wanted, use that fuel to work even harder. Earn that next raise and make it come sooner rather than later. Prove to them that you will make it rain for the company. There will be no doubt that you deserve a more significant salary if you can consistently perform well.


At this point, you know everything you need to know about the hiring process. But, again, the habits you develop here will translate into how you perform in sales. Challenge yourself to be the best you can be. If you can achieve this, you cannot limit what you can earn.

If you are exploring new sales opportunities, consider working with Rainmakers! Apply now and view opportunities!

The goal of any recruiting agency is to help companies develop an organized revenue generating sales team. Many agencies seek to achieve this goal but few know how to actually get there. When working with an ad agency you must do some research into their practices to see if they hit these basic ideas:

  1. Hiring the appropriate employee
  2. Identifying Sales Talent
  3. Focus on Diversity

Most important of all is hiring the right employee. The right employee doesn’t necessarily mean the best, the sharpest, or the most ambitious. Hiring for a position is a case by case process. The first red flag when dealing with a hiring agency is distinguishing between hiring just anybody with interest vs hiring the right person for the right position.

Hiring the Appropriate Employee

A hiring agency must be aware of the importance of Account Executives. Every company needs at least one and usually should be the first sales hire.

They will be ‘full cycle’ AE’s in that they will handle the business relationship from beginning to finish.

There are many career paths for an AE, but in this case, they will essentially be an SDR, AE, and AM simultaneously.

  • Hiring only one AE removes competition from the sales process and disables you from seeing any sort of ‘average’ in terms of performance levels.
  • Before hiring SDR’s to book meetings for your AE’s, you need to make sure you have AE’s that can close deals.

Something that makes different from agencies is their understanding of the mindset of hiring the right salespeople. Particularly for hiring for startups and other companies with little brand recognition, there needs to be a hungry entrepreneurial spirit in the individual. Most agencies are just looking for polished and refined salespeople, but this isn’t always the right approach.

Agencies need to focus on people who close deals and nothing else. It doesn’t matter what the history or experience of the AM is, if they can close deals they are hireable.

There should be a focus on improving the SDR team’s output or improve marketing efforts before hiring more AE’s. A lot of agencies just funnel AE’s into a company and then they have to divide the opportunities so much that no AE meets their quota. This is bad for moral and financially inefficient.

AE conversion rates must be clear so the company knows exactly when to hire and when not to.

By the way, hiring for SDRs is a different ballgame. Great SDRs will certainly have adjacent skills to AEs, but they are not necessarily one in the same. Make sure the agency you’re hiring has an idea of the differences here. Without this kind of fundamental understanding, the recruiting agency is just a spot filler and not a company grower.



Identifying Sales Talent

Sales talent is unique and not necessarily easy to spot. For engineers and musicians, we can always see their talent in their final product. Salespeople have to be effective communicators, socially strategic, technical, hardworking and patient.

Any decent sales agency knows how to identify the following traits:


Agencies that focus on straight-A students from Ivy League schools are often missing the point of what makes a good salesperson. The best way to judge someone’s intelligence is through conversation and not reviewing their resume.

To really test the depths of a person’s mind, mega-investor Peter Thiel used to ask this question.

“What is an opinion you have the most other people disagree with?”

An intelligent person will be able to give a thoughtful response because intelligent people think outside of the box.

Ability to Grow:

Commonly referred to as being ‘Coachable’ but this doesn’t always work if the company has no idea how to properly implement sales. The hiring agency needs to identify people who are looking to grow and can benefit from their own mistakes. One of the most important traits is being humble and curious.


Hiring agencies need to find people who are hungry are ready to work. People like this are hard to come by but this is what separates a good agency from a bad one. They need to show you that the type of salespeople they are looking for are the ones that are truly out to grow, learn, and close deals.

Focus on Diversity

We think diversity is perhaps the most important component for having a successful sales team. This has nothing to do with any kind of political agenda or hiring quota. Having gender, cultural, and experience based diversity will grant a company-wide base of human knowledge to draw from. It’s even more important for internal culture, however, as teams that lack diversity often form cliques, and the development of cliques at a startup is highly counterproductive.

We think you should try your best to hire for the following kinds of diversity when building your early sales team:

Gender diversity:

Study after study has concluded that sales teams with a sizable portion of women almost always outperform their male-dominated counterparts. For various reasons (perhaps being more empathetic generally), women are typically 5% more likely to close a deal then male salespeople.

Cultural diversity:

Having a mixture of cultural backgrounds at a company is vital to having a strong company culture. The more backgrounds there are, the more perspectives and ideas permeate the company. The more cultures you have represented within your company the wider the audience you can appeal to. This helps your sales team generate more leads and ultimately close more deals.

Experience diversity:

As we mentioned earlier it is important for early sales hires to be aggressive and hungry. This often times means hiring salespeople with less experience than usual who can ‘grow with’ the company so to speak. However, when a company starts selling large contracts to Fortune 500 companies, it most likely will need to hire more experienced sales reps who have done something similar. That being said, with a mixture (for example one experienced rep and two less experienced) the experienced rep can coach the newer ones, while the newer ones keep the experienced rep hungry and on her toes.


If the agencies you are looking at can’t articulate these fundamental ideas, run away. Here at we pride ourselves at hiring the perfect person for each particular sales job. Our focus isn’t on a hire’s GPA or long-term sales experience. Not because we are counterculture, but simply because that’s not what works. Are you hungry and ready to grow? Then we’re the agency for you.


If you are looking to get a new job in sales, then you need to master the interview. The first impression you make on your potential employer will make all the difference, so it helps to get into the head of your sales manager or hiring manager. Here are the various things they’ll be focused on, so you can prepare your interview and increase your chances of landing your ideal position. 

Can I Trust You?

People want to do business with those they know, like, and trust. This includes who they hire. If your sales manager doesn’t feel they can trust you, then they won’t want you out in the field with real customers.

Don’t hold anything back in your interview. Be honest with them. If you have a troubled past, or certain weaknesses, think of how to present them to the manager while making them seem like they are faults that you can easily overcome. This is better than letting them find something bad out after the fact.

Are You Motivated?

Sales is not easy. If it were, everyone under the sun would be doing it. However, with the right motivation, you can succeed by getting more customers in the door and sales ringing at the register.

This is one of the first things on a sales manager’s mind, too. They want to be sure that you aren’t just talking the talk, but that you are deeply motivated to walk the walk. So ask your sales manager what kind of exciting goals they have and communicate that you are excited to achieve them for the company.

Do You Keep Yourself Organized?

One of the marks of a great salesperson is the ability to keep themselves organized. When you are cluttered, you can’t focus as much. You spend more time finding papers and getting into the zone than with customers. This is a recipe for disaster.

Any sales manager will want to see that you present yourself well, keep yourself in line, and maintain a clean work area. You can communicate this by the way you dress, talk, and act during the interview. Ideally, they will simply pick up on it thanks to the way you carry yourself.

What Kind of Experience Do You Have?

No matter how great of a candidate you are, the more experience you have the better. Sales managers love it when someone who has sold before walks into their door. It means they don’t have to teach you the basics of sales. Instead, they can train you on their specific way of doing things.

Think creatively about your experience in sales. You might not think you have a lot of experience, but in reality you could have more than you think. Anything that involves talking to customers and helping them solve their problems could be characterized as selling, so don’t leave anything off your resume that sounds relevant.

What’s Your Attitude Like?

A great attitude is one of the best things you can have in like. Your sales interviewer is thinking about your attitude the entire time they are with you. They are picking up on signs, small and large, that you are either a positive or a negative person.

Don’t make the mistake of talking about inappropriate things or having a poor attitude in the interview. Read some positive books or blogs before coming into the meeting. It will put you in the right frame of mind and let you radiate a positive attitude.

When it comes to sales today, it is more competitive than ever. You need to have the right strategies if you are going to work for a company you love. Sales managers want to produce more sales for their companies by hiring people who understand what is most important to them. So prepare your interview by reviewing the items above to show them you are on the same page.


-Guest Post by Craig Middleton-

Craig has worked as a Business Consultant, Real Estate Agent, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing.

how to update your sales resume

How To Update Your Resume

Resumes still matter. While a LinkedIn profile is significant, some organizations (especially enterprise companies) will want to see an outline for you to apply. In this guide, we’ll provide 23 actionable sales resume tips so you can land the sales job you’ve always dreamed about.

The resume is continually evolving, and what seemed standard and beneficial just a few years ago can become a disadvantage in the current recruiting environment. With employers receiving an average of 50 to 75 resumes per role they post, making your resume stand out can sometimes seem like a moonshot. Making matters worse, your resume generally has less than 10 seconds to make a positive impression and avoid being flushed down the drain.

Under these dismal conditions, what should an intelligent sales professional on the lookout for a dream job do?

First, don’t panic. If there’s a science to selling, there’s an art to writing resumes. All you have to do is learn it. Fortunately, career sites, professional coaches, and hiring managers have shared their insights on how best to make your resume shine.

Here are 23 sales resume hacks that will compel recruiters to take your application to the next level.

1) Go for high impact.

Ideally, resumes should pack a punch. But that is hardly the case in real life. In fact, recruiting managers regularly receive hundreds of generic resumes that look and sound similar, echoing the same cliches and even sharing the same grammatical errors. So, not surprisingly, weak resumes become fodder for the recycling bin at the end of every recruiting period.

Remember, the three goals of sending a resume are…

1) to signal an Intention.

2) to convey Information.

3) to make an Impact.

So create one that is unique, memorable, personalized for each employer, and clear about the value and benefits you offer. You can’t sell yourself by being generic or timid.

sales resume tips

2) Leave a strongly positive impression.

Making an impact is good, but standing out for the wrong reasons is definitely bad. A resume that seeks to differentiate itself through artificial methods (i.e., larger/smaller paper size, loud colors, too many images, arrogant/disrespectful language, radically different content formats, etc.) will likely get the resume owner on a blacklist.

Do this instead: you can still be creative and impactful while adopting best practices, maintaining high standards, and conforming to practical formats. In addition, there are many ways to leave a positive impression: crisp language, elegant and readable formatting, relevant but rare sales skills, remarkable sales accomplishments, highly sought-after certifications, awards, and accolades.

 3) Customize your message for every employer.

Your resume may be about you, but it is also about the recruiter. So avoid sending a one-size-fits-all resume, especially to employers you admire and want to join.

As a rule of thumb, always think about the specific recruiter or employer you aim for when authoring or structuring your resume. Consider one or more of the following —

  1. Mention the specific employer in the Current Career Objective section (if you intend to have one.)
  2. Respond directly to the employer’s job post or ad by highlighting your skills, certifications, training, or qualifications using the recruiter’s style, ordering, or language.
  3. Research the services and products of the employer and make a case for how you can sell such offerings.
  4. Showcase the value and benefits the employer gets if they were to hire you.

4) Make it sweet and short.

Your resume is the elevator pitch you use in the job market. So go ahead: Be impactful and make an impression but do both as fast as possible. Go for a single-page resume whenever possible and avoid exceeding two pages. Unless specifically requested by the recruiter, never send multi-page resumes.

5) Always have a summary section.

Provide a quick way for the recruiter to assess your credentials and potential value using a summary section near the beginning of your resume. If you are not using an Objective area, then positioning your career or profile summary just after your Contact Information section is best.

In summary, showcase unique experiences and accomplishments. Mention the demonstrable benefits the employer can expect when hiring you. The summary section should be articulated using elegant and crisp language and communicate your value proposition.

sales resume writing tips

6) Watch your language.

Avoid trite, formal, legalistic, or jargon-ridden text. Think about recruiters forced to skim through dozens of resumes that sound like a lease agreement or a personal policy statement daily.

Instead, go for a bright and casual business tone using crisp and simple but elegant language. Use power words (contextual terms that resonate with specific types of employers) but refrain from cliches and stale expressions.

If you get that interview, watch your body language too!

7) Be readable.

Your resume’s formatting, sectioning, print quality, fonts, language, etc., should be optimized for readability. Think of your resume as an app or a website and recruiters as users. Therefore, user experience (UX) must be optimal for recruiters even to consider reading critical sections of your resume. Recruiters will be more irritated than impressed if your resume is haphazardly formatted or uses confusing language.

8) Think strategically.

You can use historical, functional, hybrid, or other resumes depending on your situation. For example, consider complementing a standard curriculum vitae with a video resume if you want a job with a media or advertising company. On the other hand, use a functional resume if you are entering the workplace fresh from college and have a minimum employment history. Always adopt what is best for your particular situation.

9) Answer common questions recruiter/employer

Anticipate the questions employers ask when looking for top talent. Using your resume, provide quick answers to the most pressing questions they might ask. Here are some you should consider:

  1. What are your most significant achievements when it comes to sales?
  2. Have you won any awards or accolades?
  3. How did your previous employers benefit from your performance?
  4. What is your average win rate for all the employers and products you worked with (Do not answer if your performance is less than sterling.)
  5. What’s the estimated value in real dollars of the deals you have successfully closed for each employer?
  6. Which sales skills or techniques have you mastered? Show proof.
  7. How do you handle challenging leads or situations.

10) Formatting matters.

Adopt a stylish format but don’t get too creative that recruiters begin to focus more on visuals and optics instead of your core message. Consider the aesthetics of your resume but not to the point that you de-prioritize brevity, readability, or conciseness. Use prominent section headings to help recruiters quickly find what they are looking for. Deploy bullet points instead of long paragraphs whenever applicable.

11) Organize your profile into clearly defined sections.

The main sections of a standard resume are —

  1. Contact Information
  2. Profile Summary
  3. Relevant Certifications, Licenses, or Awards
  4. Work Experience (typically arranged in reverse chronological order)
  5. Education

Depending on the situation, your strategy, or the availability of information or support, you can include one or more of the following optional elements:

  1. Personal Brand Tagline (this can be a personal quote or a catchy description that highlights your credentials, favorite technique, or mantra/philosophy as a professional)
  2. Current Career Objective
  3. Achievements (Bulleted items. Use if f there are too many to include in the short summary)
  4. Personal Info (Use only if somewhat relevant to the role or company you are focusing on. If so, you can mention volunteer work, hobbies you are passionate about, or non-work-related achievements that enhance your character. Avoid mentioning sensitive issues such as politics and religion).
  5. Character References

12) Provide complete and clean contact information.

Make it easy and convenient for recruiters or employers to get back to you when they need clarifications or when they want to go ahead with a job interview. Give clear, complete, and correct email addresses, phone numbers, and home address. In addition, provide the links to your LinkedIn profile, portfolio site, blog, or other personal/professional websites.

However, do not use or mention email addresses, blogs, or other identifiers that do not help your personal brand. For example, email addresses such as or blog sites such as Bad Girl’s Revenge hardly exude competence or professionalism.

13) Achievements vs. Responsibilities

Always favor accomplishment over responsibility. Describing your skills, tasks, and functions is ok, but telling a story about how you used those skills or performed those tasks to achieve organizational goals is much better. So instead of merely saying that you served sales ops functions as an analyst, you can say that you created a data-driven strategy that helped sellers improve their win rate by 10%.

14) Don’t include the Stone Age in your Work Experience section.

If you have been in the job market for a while and have worked for several employers, focus on your career milestones in the last ten years. Recruiters are more interested in your current and recent employment history than in your stint as a part-time librarian in high school. For the same reason, arrange your employment history in reverse chronological order. Use brief descriptions and cite noteworthy achievements whenever applicable.

15) Even an A+ won’t compensate for poor sales metrics.

Highlight your academic achievements if you are new to the workplace. Mention relevant papers or projects you’ve made and honors you earned as a student. If you’ve been around, prioritize work experience and accomplishments over education. That means positioning employment history above education in your resume.

16) Certified, trained, and ready to roll.

Recruiters seek candidates who have undergone verifiable training programs or have earned relevant field certifications. Position the Training and Certification section if the role you are applying for strongly requires such qualifications. For example, some of the most coveted certifications in sales include the Certified Professional Sales Person (CPSP), Certified Sales Executive (CSE), and Cornell University’s Executive Leadership Certification.

17) Get personal if it helps your brand.

You can add a Personal Information section in your resume if space permits and if mentioning something beyond your sales career enhances your professional brand. For example, volunteer work for a worthy (non-divisive) cause certainly helps create a picture of social responsibility and commitment to a community. A hobby such as scale modeling may explain how you have developed discipline and keen attention to detail. On the other hand, your sports life may explain your highly competitive nature.

18) Sales is a numbers game.

Quotas, win rates, and revenue is all expressed as numbers. Likewise, your sales performance is measured in metrics. That is why a salesperson’s resume without the correct numbers will never be cut. Therefore, quantify your achievements whenever possible to help recruiters assess your potential.

resume writing sales pro

19) Get Visual.

If you can fit them in your resume, visual aids such as graphs and charts can add style and clarity to your message. Some resumes look exactly like infographics. However, you should only add visuals if it matches your message and is relevant to the particular employer you are currently engaging.

20) Inaccuracy will destroy you.

The work history, achievements, figures, dates, and other information in your resume should always be accurate. At worst, inadvertent errors will erode your chances of getting selected, especially if you have comparable rivals for the position who have submitted error-free resumes. On the other hand, intentional inaccuracies (i.e., lies) — when caught — can send your name into a database of blacklisted jobseekers. More importantly, you wouldn’t want to be branded as “dishonest” in an industry that already attracts its hefty share of suspicion.

21) ABC means “always be consistent.”

Structurally and content-wise, your resume should demonstrate a high degree of consistency. That means section headings and line spacings should be rendered the same throughout the document, and the entire resume should conform to a recognizable and visually appealing format.

Content-wise, the resume should have a uniform tone and language when articulating your value proposition or describing your achievements. Furthermore, all information you include in the resume must agree with all the information about you that can be accessed publicly (such as your profile on LinkedIn and other social media sites). Most profile inconsistencies are likely minor, but a few might erode your authenticity as a sales professional.

how to get a sales job

22) Review, update, and polish.

Unless you’re close to retiring, resumes are always a work in progress that requires constant review, updating, and polishing.

Proofread your resume for structural, grammatical, or factual errors. Allow your friends or a professional editor to help you polish your resume. Remember, incorrect grammar and spelling impact how recruiters view your professionalism, discipline, and attention to detail. Use relevant, crisp, and intelligent language to show the depth of your understanding and demonstrate your potential as a sales leader.

23) Go beyond a resume or a LinkedIn profile.

Resumes have traditionally been the primary ticket for navigating the job market. You send a resume to signal that you’re interested in applying for a job at a particular employer.

There are now many other channels for reaching businesses looking for talent. These include LinkedIn, online portfolio sites, and referral systems. There are even tools that allow you to create infographics and video resumes. These forms are becoming more popular. Lastly, don’t overlook specialist services that provide profile pages for field/sector-specific professionals. Salespeople, for example, can create compelling online profiles on Rainmakers.

24) Make your brand worth selling.

You are a brand as much as a seller. If you can sell esoteric products and services few people care about, you should be able to sell yourself.

As an integral element of your sales and marketing kit, your resume is crucial in getting you through the screening door and into the position you aim for.

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You’re good at selling, so practice what you do best: research crazy about the customer (employer), customize your pitch to establish a strong connection, articulate your value proposition (the benefits the employer gets by hiring you), and clinch the deal.

If you’re hungry for more tips, check out this great video by David Bagga about the importance of including sales numbers in your resume: