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The number of people using the internet has grown by leaps and bounds and statistics show that those on the internet is expected to double over the coming years. The internet has changed how people communicate, interact, and discover information. Right now, it is not unusual for customers to research products via their mobile as they browse on brick and mortar stores. People want to discover as much as possible about a product or service.

A lot of marketers are using various marketing channels and strategies for attracting customers. E.g. video marketing, which not only generates an interest around a product but also helps customers learn about it. Video marketing stats show that 6 in 10 people say that watching a product video influenced their buying decision.

Still, the majority of customers will depend on reviews and comments to decide on making a purchase or using a service. Primarily, people want social proof that the products and services they will be purchasing will guarantee great experiences and the only way they can be certain of this is if they see positive reviews from others.  Learn the ways on how you can improve the quality of customer feedback in your social channels so you can get better conversions, ROIs, and an overall healthy reputation.

Live Chat Support

Live Chat Support is an absolute essential to your website. In fact, 44% of online shoppers believe that the best feature an e-commerce website can have is a live chat. Live chat can offer many services and mitigate issues immediately. Customers can have their questions answered promptly about their item and everything that pertains to it including availability, payment, and shipping. The result is great customer service and less frustration on the part of the customer. Chat support also identifies problem patterns so long-term solutions can be formed. Make your live chat proactive. For example, if your customer has been on the website for a certain time immediately flash up the live chat box. Doing this is said to increase interaction by 300%.

Form an Online Community

Your audience and customers are already interested in your brand’s goodies and your services so why not form an online community where you can build engagement and share content? A forum would be a great place to get direct feedback although it will need continuous monitoring. You have to have a moderator whose responsibilities include creating new discussions, posting and updating regularly, responding to feedback, and so on. Having a forum strengthens your relationship with the customer and is an excellent way to get new ideas.

Humanize Your Website

Most people are turned off by a brand’s website that comes across as impersonal but by humanizing your website you are likely to encourage customer feedback and interaction. Adding color, images and humor where it is appropriate, will be greatly appreciated by your customers as well. It’s easier to answer an attractive survey than a plain one. Giving your website the “human” touch makes people feel that they are talking to a real person and not a machine. You have to increase the personality of the website by creating a fictional or real character to symbolize the brand. For example, as a restaurant brand, you can create a character which has their vision of what they find to be delicious and healthy eating. Create an intimacy with your audience that can help them identify with your characters and your brand. Especially nowadays with the pandemic affecting the food and service industry so harshly, it’s more important than ever to show that your service is still impeccable even while working remotely.

Monitor Social Channels

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, are places where customers leave their feedback. You can use various tools for social media listening, which allows you to know exactly what your audience thinks about your products and services. For instance, you can use a competitor research tool for monitoring your competitor’s social media engagement. A competitor research tool is extremely useful for generating insights that’ll help drive your traffic and boost your sales. Using such tools for social media listening can help you address any social issues that may arise and to improve your customer’s user experience. Time is important when responding to complaints via social media because bad feedback travels fast. It’s crucial to respond to your customer’s complaint promptly to alleviate their angst as soon as possible.

Give a Prize or Gift in Exchange for Feedback

Usually, people only give feedback if they have had a bad experience. When people have had a good experience, they usually won’t talk about it. You can encourage the percentage of people who have had positive experiences with your site by giving them a prize or gift in exchange for feedback. Gifts you can give may include free shipping, discount coupons, or free merchandise. Unfortunately, your customers may see this move as a way to bribe them into giving positive feedback. You can negate this impression by keeping the tone of your e-mail a genuine effort to improve customer service.

Use Negative Feedback to Show Professionalism

Negative feedback is bound to crop up from time to time. However, you can use this to your advantage. You are bound to have a few disgruntled customers but let it be a way of showing your problem-solving skills.  To manage a bad customer review, you can start by apologizing and responding respectfully. You can then change the platform as a way of diffusing the tension. You can ask the customer to contact you in an email instead of continuing the conversation in the feedback panel. Responding smartly will show how much you value customer service and resolving complaints.


People love reading reviews online, especially on social media. So business cannot ignore the fact that their success is affected by social channels and social media. Customers depend on and freely give feedback of products and services they tried as a form of building communities and sharing their experiences with others. Improving customer feedback in social channels can vastly improve how consumers perceive your brand and can encourage higher profits and ROIs.

The difference between a good and a great business often comes down to the small details. Companies who show that they care about their customers and what they have to say are generally more successful and more popular. Any prosperous business will tell you that part of the secret of getting to the top is to be good at both eliciting and listening to customer feedback. So here are some tips on how to improve the quality of your customer feedback for better conversions, engagement, ROIs, and an overall healthy reputation.