
A business is only as good as it’s employees. No matter how great your idea or how much money has been invested, if you don’t have a good team, your done. Superior talent is up to eight times (800%) more productive than average performers. The return on value here is massive. Often employers are looking for cheap hires to cut down on overhead, this is the exact wrong way to think about the process. Hire talent and watch the revenue increase.

There is an intense War for Talent going on as we speak. Fortune 500 companies are constantly competing to find, hire, and retain elite professionals. Despite their ability to pay skilled work 82% of the top companies still feel that they are unable to hire and hold highly skilled talent.

Here lies the problem for startups. With the great competition among the elites, there is no chance a startup will be able to land top talent. Even if they do, it would be almost impossible to hold them for long.

Do not even waste your time with undesired sales candidates. It may seem like a quick fix or the potential hire may show potential, but unfortunately many people are experts at being mediocre. Before hiring you must take a long hard look at your brand, culture, and recruitment plan. Welcoming people who seem motivated isn’t enough. Anybody can show up with a smile and promise the world.

4 Problems With Your Startup Strategy:

  1. You don’t know where to look
  2. Your brand is dull
  3. You don’t provide enough benefits
  4. You provide no long-term growth

1) You don’t know where to look

The one thing you can always expect is for things to change. Hiring processes that worked for baby boomer won’t work for the millennials and younger generations. For better or for worse a whole new generation of employees are slowly entering the workforce. This means that traditional hiring methods such as job boards or online postings are no longer relevant. Talented salespeople, more often than not, are already making deals and forming relationships. You won’t catch them looking for a job on

Before you hire talent, you need to have a vision of what you want that talent to be. Understand the persona of your ideal candidate. Once you have an idea of who they are, you can position yourself to get into their field of vision. Social media is a creative way to present your brand in a way that is enticing and powerful to potential employees.  Get your content/brand in industry events and conferences, and on specialist sites that provide content, training, and other resources for sales professionals

2) Your brand is dull

No matter what your niche there will always be an audience who supports your market. You need to establish that your niche is cool and attractive, just because it may seem boring to a mainstream audience, doesn’t mean you can’t strut your brand like your Elon Musk. A dull company leads to dull work, avoid it at all cost.

Your brand matters to millennials and younger generations who place a high premium on “experience” and online reputation. Many companies provide reviews to for people looking for jobs. You need to make sure your corporate culture is seen by many to be fun, engaging, and rewarding. Value people over outdated systems, promote health and happiness over deadlines and 30-minute lunches.  Your company culture will speak volumes to potential hires. Millennials want a place to not only work, but to live.


3) Your Compensation Plans do not Give Reps Enough Incentive

This is extremely important. Highly talented workers consider compensation one of their highest priorities when looking for a job. The whole idea of hiring a talented employee is to increase revenue one way or another. You need to be generous with your salary because that is one of the major stepping stones when getting someone in the door.

Always be honest when it comes to compensation. Any trickery here can seriously harm your reputation for years to come. However, don’t just come out and show potential candidates your above-market rates. Instead, provide a package which includes training, flexible schedule, and other perks first. Then surprise them with a handsome paycheck.

4) You Provide no Long-Term Growth

Perhaps the single most important element of the hiring process is long-term growth. Talent wants to work on the projects their skilled in, do not have them doing monotonous soul-sucking tasks. Show them a path upwards and that promotion is possible. This ties into having a scalable business model set in the first place. If you don’t know how to manage your talent appropriately and your business structure has no upward growth, you’re not getting the talent you need.

This is easier said than done, but figure out a way to make the work fun. Show your employees that the work their doing is contributing to the success and growth of the company and reward them whenever you can. Highlight advantages such as company-subsidized professional development programs, travel incentives, generous commissions, job meaning, and impact, as well as clear career paths and growth avenues for sellers.


You need competent salespeople to grow your startup. But they are hard to find and rarely come cheap. For highly skilled and motivated sellers to join your team, you have to do your part as a responsible employer that values its people. And it all starts with the applicant journey as sales candidates go through the stages of your recruitment process. To hire the best people, offer the best value you can.

Using An Employee Referral Program Effectively

In this guide, we’ll break down 11 steps to build a killer employee referral program to help you attract top talent. Read on!

Businesses will do everything in their power to attract competent professionals and use every trick in the book to strengthen their talent pool. Traditionally, HR solely assumed responsibility for this function, but as new technologies, mindsets, and practices (such as crowdsourcing and user-generated content) recast the workplace, more unique and more responsive methods for recruiting talent emerge.

In recent years, Employee Referral Programs (ERP) have become a competitive advantage in the talent-sourcing market. According to reports, it has surpassed conventional talent acquisition and recruitment practices as the top method for finding and hiring new employees.

What is an Employee Referral Program?

An employee referral program is an in-house system for finding, qualifying, and hiring candidates for vacant roles and functions in the company. ERPs incentivize employees to submit personal referrals from their social and professional networks who may qualify for open positions in the company. Incentives and rewards may include monetary bonuses and non-monetary prizes such as vacations and concert tickets.

employee referral program explained

Benefits of Employee Referral Programs

Numerous studies have already established the case for ERPs. Here are some of the most persuasive arguments for its adoption:

  • Employee referral programs significantly reduce recruitment costs, with a study finding that businesses can save $3000 or more per hire using referrals.
  • ERPs improve candidate quality, culture fit, and retention rate.
  • Candidates sourced via an employee referral program get hired much faster than candidates sourced through traditional channels.
  • Candidates sourced via ERP make it to onboarding stage (3 to 4 times) more compared to candidates sourced via traditional methods
  • ERP-sourced candidates deliver the highest ROI compared to other methods.

And here are some figures from LinkedIn:

  • Employee referrals rank as the number 1 method for people to discover a new job.
  • Companies can expand their talent pool by as much as ten times if they leverage their employees’ social and professional networks via an effective referral program.
  • While rewards motivate employees to submit referrals, 35% do so primarily to help friends, 32% to help their organization, and 26% to be recognized as a valuable colleague. Only 6% submit referrals for the rewards.
  • Candidates are 46% more likely to accept your messages when these messages are associated or tagged with employees they personally know.
  • Along with online job boards and social media, employee referral programs are among the top source of high-quality talent.

11 Steps To Turbo-Charge Your Employee Referral Program

1) Set clear objectives.

Only embark on a journey with a clear destination in mind. Ideal employee referral programs go beyond getting as many candidates as possible in your talent pool. While across-the-board recruitment is obviously the overarching goal of ERPs, you can still fine-tune the program for specific campaign-based objectives such as improving workforce diversity, populating a freshly minted customer success unit, or expediting the search for a crucial software developer position specializing in a particular programming language or development framework.

Once specific objectives have been set for time-bound referral campaigns, get the entire organization in the loop. Communicate the goals, explain the need, and mention the rewards. Again, transparency, immediacy, and relevance will help drive and sustain employee involvement.

implementing erp

2) Make everything simple and easy.

Even when employees want to participate in your ERP, engagement and results will ultimately depend on how simple and effective your referral process is. Conversely, tedious, convoluted, and inconsistent ERP processes may generate buzz at the onset but tend to fizzle out much sooner than everyone expected.

Never complicate the process. Don’t require employees and referred candidates to exert more effort than is necessary. Remember, your people have primary functions they need to focus on. An ERP solution that requires too much time and effort will keep them from delivering high performance in the roles they were hired for in the first place. So make it ridiculously easy to attract, submit, monitor, evaluate, and conclude referrals.

One way is to adopt ERP and applicant tracking solutions (ATS) that are intuitive, easily accessible, and engaging. Go for mobile-ready packages that are integrable to networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Embrace solutions that virtually anyone in the company can access anytime and enjoy using.

3) Let everyone know.

You might have the best ERP, but nothing happens if no one knows about it. Communication is the glue that keeps effective referral programs together. ERP awareness and involvement should pervade the organization from top to bottom and from the ground up. Make it everyone’s business to find and attract talent because it is the only resource to make things happen.

Advertise your referral program and bang the gong each time you launch specific referral campaigns. (Some companies even go beyond the organization to include customers, suppliers, and vendors in their incentives program). Information about vacancies, job requirements, role qualifications, corporate culture, benefits, candidate status, incentives for efforts, and successful referral rewards should be easily accessible.

Establish a communication, feedback, and tracking system that keeps all stakeholders in the loop and enables them to advance referrals from start to finish easily. Form a team or assign a coordinator to ensure ERP communications are clear, complete, and pervasive.

4) Use technology.

In virtually every aspect of business, technology serves as the ultimate enabler. However, the way technology is used can also make a big difference. The baseline is to have a centralized ERP platform that makes it extremely easy for employees to submit referrals, for HR to evaluate candidates, for referred candidates to track their status, and for everyone in the loop to communicate.

Some applicant tracking systems (ATS) have native ERP functionalities, while others allow for equivalent plugins or extensions. Determine what is best for your organization. In the new economy, relying on mere emails or spreadsheets to manage referrals and talent acquisition will no longer make the cut.

how to implement employee referral program

5) Train your people.

The processes and technologies that comprise your employee referral program may be intuitive. However, it would be best if you still educated everyone about more innovative ways to use the system and the rationale and rewards behind the program.

Articulate the program’s overall goal of attracting competent — if not top-notch — professionals to the company. Establish quality benchmarks. Because candidate screening takes time, dissuade employees from referring known shenanigans at the onset.

Walk everyone through the process from start to finish, so they know what to expect regarding feedback frequency, documentary requirements, and screening parameters. Finally, clarify how incentives and rewards will be implemented.

6) Speed up the process.

Few things are more frustrating than having to wait longer than you should. Employees who were initially excited to a) help friends get onboard, b) help the company solve its talent shortage, or c) help themselves to the ERP’s excellent incentives will eventually lose steam when left to keep wondering whatever happened to their referrals.

Establish a reasonable timeline for processing employee referrals. Always send timely feedback each time a milestone has been reached. Respond to employee or candidate queries and clarifications within 24 hours.

Consider screening and interviewing candidates within one week before giving a job offer or terminating their candidacy for the specific role they were referred to. One way to do this is to provide remote interview and assessment options.

7) Provide an excellent candidate experience.

Make your brand as an employer stand out. Start by giving job applicants a smooth, flexible, responsive, and stress-free experience. This way, candidates who don’t get on board will still remember the good experience and share it with their friends. Remember, online reputation matters.

sales recruiting agency

8) Recognize efforts, and reward results.

Without motivation, people will hardly move. Sure, helping friends land a job or being loyal to a good company may incentivize employees to submit referrals, but that won’t be enough to sustain an ambitious talent acquisition strategy. People exert effort because they expect something out of it.

That being said, rewards entail costs, and a good employee referral program should have a well-thought-out budget and reward strategy. The key is to have compelling but sustainable rewards for good results and adequate incentives for keeping employees involved in the ERP.

Having creative, unique, or original rewards will go a long way. In addition to monetary prizes, you should also consider vacations, gadgets, free enrollment to a popular certifications program, and tickets to concerts, sporting events, or health spas. Acknowledge and incentivize active ERP participants even when their referrals are not hired. You can, for example, use a point-based gamification system that entitles active ERP participants to free breaks and treats at the nearest cafe.

Bottomline: make your rewards and incentives system so fun, compelling, and sustainable that employees will enjoy being involved in ERP for the long haul.

9) Try every method. Explore all channels.

There are countless ways to implement an employee referral program. However, you’ll limit your talent acquisition potential if you keep yourself from trying more than a few. Worse, you may not discover what works perfectly for your organization if you adopt the same methods repeatedly.

Some of the techniques used by smart talent acquisition teams include the following —

  • Gamification of incentives to sustain employee engagement
  • Linking ERP with performance assessments
  • Referral sprints (extremely short but focused campaigns to create a shortlist of candidates)
  • Quarterly referral contests (most referrals, most successful hires, funniest candidates, etc.) between groups, teams, or departments with significant rewards to the ultimate winner
  • Head-turning rewards such as cars, home entertainment systems, and exotic travel packages to be awarded during special company events.

employee referral program

10) Make onboarding memorable.

Greet new hires via the referral program with a warm welcome. This extends their great experience during the recruiting process and reinforces the impression that your company truly values its talent. Provide relevant training and responsive coaching that will prepare new hires for the specific challenges associated with their functions and immerse them in the corporate culture.

Make a case for your brand throughout the employee journey. Make new hires feel at home and happy about joining your company so they’ll gladly participate in the referral program immediately.

11) Assess program performance. Improve. Repeat.

A functioning employee referral program that reels decent talent from the job market is terrific. But that is not enough. You always have to think long-term and consider emerging changes in the workplace. That entails making a self-assessment on whether the ERP is as successful as it can possibly be.

Establish your criteria for success. These could be metrics such as —

  • Employee Engagement (percentage of employees participating in the ERP)
  • Share of Referrals to the Number of Total Hires per Period
  • Percentage of Good Referrals to Total Number of Referrals
  • Performance of Employees Hired via ERP

Use other data-driven metrics to measure the success of your ERP implementation. When results do not meet your expectations, adopt other techniques, approaches, and technologies that may improve performance.

Reboot. Repeat.


Whether you are just starting to build an employee referral program or have been running one for a while, getting the results you expect don’t happen automatically. You may use the best HR technologies on the market but cannot automate success.

Talent is about humans, and recruiting talent into your company takes a team of motivated humans on the other side of the equation. By making your company a stakeholder in talent acquisition, you give everyone a proactive role in your company’s success.

Valuing people is the first step in strengthening an employer’s brand. If your brand sticks, your employees will more than gladly submit candidate referrals to a company they are proud of.

Need help getting started? Contact the team at Rainmakers to help with your recruiting efforts!

Dreamforce 2018 is right around the corner! I hope that everyone has their pitches rehearsed and their business card ready. Networking is an important piece of running your booth, but don’t forget that the networking doesn’t end when you leave Moscone. You can’t forget the parties, and who has time to research all of them? Don’t worry – Rainmakers has created a 2018 Dreamforce Party Guide, sorted by date, so you can plan accordingly. Register soon before all of your favorite events are filled.

Featured Event

Modern Sales Pros and Modern SaaS – 2018 Dreamforce Happy Hour

Rainmakers is excited to sponsor the 2018 MSP Happy Hour.  This is not an event to miss. The demand has been so great, that the party has been expanded to a block party including three bars and a restaurant.  In addition to being to being a general sponsor, Rainmakers is taking over Iza Ramen and hosting Rainmakers Ramen – A night of networking and noodles (and Saki, beer and wine) on us!  You won’t want to miss this.

Hosted/Sponsored By:  Modern Sales Pro, Modern SaaS, Bravado, Chili Piper, ChorUS, DiscoverOrg, DocSend, GrowLabs, Guru, Rainmakers, SalesLoft, Skaled, and Troops.

Summary:  The MSP happy hour is happening again so that MSP and Modern SaaS members from around the country can meet and greet in person.

When:  Tuesday, September 25th, 2018  5:30pm-9:30pm

Where:  Raven Bar & BloodHound – 1151 Folsom Street

Sign Up Here

Also, our COO, Michael Theron, is being featured at the Sales Hacker Leadership Lounge, speaking on a panel How to Scale a Successful Sales Team. Breakfast will be served.

All Events

Monday – September 24th, 2018

Power Up for Dreamforce Party

Hosted/Sponsored By:  Simplus

Summary: Power up for Dreamforce with food, drinks, vintage arcade games, and giveaways.

When:  Monday, September 24th, 2018  7:00pm-11:00pm

Where:  The Dirty Habit at Hotel Zelos  12 4th Street

Sign Up Here

PepUp Tech Karaoke for a Cause

Hosted/Sponsored By:  PepUp Tech

Summary: PepUp Tech’s Karaoke for a Cause.  Karaoke with donations going to support a lot of great causes,

When:  Monday, September 24th 7:30pm

Where:  Pandora Karaoke  177 Eddy Street

Sign Up  Here – Tickets are $30

Tuesday – September 25th, 2018

WalkMe DreamForce Party

Hosted/Sponsored By: WalkMe, DialSource, TimeTrade, RFPio

Summary:  Not only is this he event a great opportunity to relax and “let-loose” after Day 1 of the conference, the WalkMe Dreamforce Party brings together top influencers — across every industry representing several hundred organizations — in a casual and professional environment for establishing valuable connections.

When: September 25th, 8pm

Where:  Terra Gallery – 511 Harrison Street

Sign Up Here

Modern Sales Pros and Modern SaaS – 2018 Dreamforce Happy Hour

Hosted/Sponsored By:  Modern Sales Pro, Modern SaaS, Bravado, Chili Piper, ChorUS, DiscoverOrg, DocSend, GrowLabs, Guru, Rainmakers, SalesLoft, Skaled, and Troops.

Summary:  The MSP happy hour is happening again so that MSP and Modern SaaS members from around the country can meet and greet in person.

When:  Tuesday, September 25th, 2018  5:30pm-9:30pm

Where:  Raven Bar & BloodHound – 1151 Folsom Street

Sign Up Here

DemandBase After-party at Temple

Hosted/Sponsored By: DemandBase, Salesforce Pardot, Engagio, Certain

Summary: Join Demandbase and fellow B2B marketers at the iconic Temple Nightclub. Dance the night away in the fully immersive state of the art LED lighting nightclub with world-class sound system. There’ll be live DJs, drinks, food and plenty of dancing!

When:  Tuesday, September 25th, 2018  9:00pm – 12:00am

Where:  Temple Nightclub – 540 Howard Street

Sign Up Here

The Dreamforce Premier Silent Disco!

Hosted/Sponsored By:  Conga

Summary:  Located just across the street from Moscone at the ThirstyBear Brewing Company. Conga brought you the original silent disco of Dreamforce, and this year they’re outdoing themselves! With three DJs and an open bar, come ready to party and unwind from your first full day of Dreamforce.

When:  Tuesday, September 25th, 2018  7:00pm – LATE!

Where:  ThirstyBear Brewing Company  661 Howard Street

Sign Up Here

#DF2018 Taco Tuesday

Sponsored/Hosted By: DIA

Summary:  Come and join us for “Muchos Tacos” on Dreamforce Tuesday evening, help support a great cause and bathe in the #Ohana Spirit as you find the groove of your 2018 Dreamforce experience. You don’t have to speak Spanish to attend… just bring a hefty appetite for tasty Tacos. Anyone attending Dreamforce is welcome!  Your $40 ticket gets you a Taco Fiesta which lets you build your own Tacos from a variety of choice ingredients such as soft corn & flour tortillas, choice of 2 types of meat, black & pinto beans, with a variety of salsas, cheese, onions, cilantro, lettuce, limes, guacamole and sour cream. Mmmmm has my mouth watering now!

When:  Tuesday, September 25th, 2018  7:00pm-11:00pm

Where:  Nick’s Crispy Tacos and Rogue Lounge  1500 Broadway at Polk St.

Sign Up Here – Tickets $33

**DF2018 Badge needed for entry.  All proceeds will be donated to Mission 22

Salesforce North Party @ Dreamforce

Hosted/Sponsored By:  Salesforce

Summary:  We have the pleasure of inviting to a North Europe party – San Francisco style!  The concept: Connect with your fellow Trailblazers: Mingle with all kinds of Trailblazers from the BeNeLux and Nordic regions.  Taste of San Francisco: Food stations from different parts of the city; like the Castro, Chinatown, the Mission and North Beach. Dance to top DJs: Dive into the night – streets of San Francisco style!

When:  Tuesday September 25th, 2018  6:30pm – 10:30pm

Where:  The Mezzanine  444 Jessie Street

Sign Up Here


Hosted/Sponsored By:  Bluewolf, an IBM Company.

Summary:  Join IBM and Bluewolf for our exclusive BlueSkies celebration above the fog at a historic location. Enjoy an evening of networking complete with mixologists serving up curated cocktails, and a live band.

When:  Tuesday, September 25th, 2018  7:00pm – LATE

Where:  Location revealed via invite – exclusive!

Sign Up/Request Invite Here

Linkedin- Get Closer to Greatness

Hosted/Sponsored By:  Linkedin

Summary:  An evening gathering the world’s top innovators, leaders, and influencers in sales for an evening you won’t want to miss. In San Francisco for Dreamforce? We’ve got you covered.  

When:  Tuesday, September 25th, 2018  8:00pm – 11:00pm

Where:  Linkedin- 222 2nd St.

Sign Up/Request Invite Here

Wednesday –  September 26th, 201

SalesLoft Celebrate

Sponsored/Hosted By: SalesLoft, EverString, Intercom, Terminus, LeanData, Sendoso, Modern Sales Pros, and Videolicious.

Summary: Celebrate crushing your quota. Celebrate your recent promotion. Celebrate your bluebird deal.  Celebrate nailing your pitch. Celebrate making President’s Club. Join SalesLoft as they celebrate YOU at Dreamforce this year.

When:  Wednesday, September 26th, 2018  10:00pm- 2:00am

Where:  Temple Nightclub  540 Howard Street

Sign Up Here

Cocktails, Conversations, and Conversions

Sponsored/Hosted By:  DiscoverOrg, Marketo, Gong

Summary:  Come network with marketing and sales leaders on Thursday night while enjoying free drinks & apps – discuss some of your favorite sessions from the event and other tips & tricks you use to get ahead of the game!

When:  Thursday, September 27, 2018  6:00pm-8:30pm

Where:  Bar 888 – 888 Howard Street

Sign Up Here

Science Fair Happy Hour

Sponsored/Hosted By:  Ambition, Gong, and LearnCore

Summary:  Join Ambition, Gong, and LearnCore for complimentary drinks and bar bites, just steps away from Moscone in the beautiful Intercontinental Living Room bar area. We’ll be cooking up formulas for successful sales, mixing cocktail elements, and testing out some new games.

When:  Wednesday, September 26, 2018  4:00pm – 7:00pm

Where:  InterContinental SF – 888 Howard Street

Sign Up Here

The Concert for UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals Featuring Metallica!

Hosted/Sponsored By:, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals

Summary:  A benefit concert featuring Metallica and MC Hammer.

When:  September 26, 2018

  • 6:00pm Cocktails
  • 8:00pm Concert
  • 10:00pm After party

Where:  City Hall and Civic Center Plaza  335 McAllister St.

Sign Up Here

NewVoiceMedia Oktoberfest!

Hosted/Sponsored By:  NewVoiceMedia

Summary:  Join NewVoiceMedia for Beer, Bratwurst and more beer. They will be bringing the traditional Oktoberfest celebration to you at Dreamforce. Grab your stein and join them for the best party at Dreamforce.  This party always fills up so register ASAP to ensure you and your lederhosen get on the list.

When:  Wednesday, September 26th, 2018  5:00pm – 8:00pm

Where:  Tehama Grasshopper  431 Tehama Street

Sign up Here

Thursday – September 27, 2018

Sales Enablement Soiree

Hosted/Sponsored By:  Forrester, Salesforce, SiriusDecisions

Summary:  The Sales Enablement Soiree is the only networking event exclusively for Sales Enablement at Dreamforce.

When:  Thursday, September 27, 2018  9:00am-5:00pm

Where:  Four Season, 757 Market Street

Sign Up Here

Cocktails, Conversations, and Conversions

Sponsored/Hosted By:  DiscoverOrg, Marketo, Gong

Summary:  Come network with marketing and sales leaders on Thursday night while enjoying free drinks & apps – discuss some of your favorite sessions from the event and other tips & tricks you use to get ahead of the game!

When:  Thursday, September 27, 2018  6:00pm-8:30pm

Where:  Bar 888 – 888 Howard Street

Sign Up Here

The Engagement Party

Sponsored/Hosted By:  Idealist Consulting, Dig, iATS Payments, KnowWho, Mogli, FormAssembly, Rallybound.

Summary:  The biggest party of the year for nonprofits & progressives.

When:  Thursday, September 27th, 2018  9:00pm – LATE!

Where:  The Monarch  101 6th Street

Sign Up Here

MapAnything After Hours

Sponsored/Hosted By:  MapAnything, Simplus, Natterbox, Own, LinkPoint360

Summary:  A night of mind-blowing diversions & hypnotic sounds await you at San Francisco’s hottest nightlife destination, Temple Night Club. You won’t want to miss the diverse and soulful mixes created by California native, DJ Malachi.   Sip on your elixir of choice at their open premium bar, accompanied by an assortment of delectable hors d’oeuvres while you let the mystery of the evening engulf you. The line-up of unexpected & entrancing entertainment acts, every hour, on the hour will leave you wanting more.

When:  Thursday, September 27th  9:00pm – 2:00am

Where:  Temple Nightclub  540 Howard Street

Sign Up Here

Limitless Party

Sponsored/Hosted By:  FinancialForce

Summary:  Located between Moscone Conference Center and your hotel room, our VIPCentral will be hosting the party of the year! Expect some seriously good food, killer music, cool entertainment, and crafty cocktails. Whether you want to get your groove on or do some networking in style this party will deliver.

When:  Thursday, September 27th, 2018  7:00PM – 10:00PM

Where:  Fogo de Chao  201 3rd Street

Sign Up Here

attracting talent to your company

Attract Better Talent

Need help attracting talent to your company, particularly in the sales department? You’re not alone. Finding top sales talent is a significant pain for startups and larger companies, especially in 2018.

Without the right people to ideate, build, and sell your product, profit will be less than optimal. According to comprehensive research cited by McKinsey, superior talent is up to eight times (800%) more productive than average performers.

That is why the most valuable and successful organizations fiercely compete against each other in a relentless war for talent to find, hire, and retain elite professionals. Yet, 82% of Fortune 500 companies still believe they need to be more successful at hiring highly skilled people. Only two out of ten HR leaders from these big players think their recruitment and retention strategies work as planned.

Finding, attracting, and keeping such high performers on your roster will likely be a moonshot, especially if you’re running a fresh startup with bootstrapped resources. In contrast, the likelihood of attracting mediocre, unreliable, and crappy job applicants claiming to be competent sales professionals can go off the scales.

You wouldn’t want to waste time, money, and energy on these shenanigans, but if you send the wrong signals, hordes of these unwanted sales candidates can swarm your recruitment process like a plague. So make an honest assessment of your brand messaging, talent culture, and recruitment journey. You might be inadvertently drawing the wrong types of talent (e.g., good at making excuses, excellent at being mediocre, highly skilled in job hopping) under your banner.

how to attract top sales people

7 Reasons Why Startups Are Not Attracting Talent (Especially in Tech Sales):

  1. You’re looking for sales talent in the wrong places.
  2. You’re using outdated recruitment practices.
  3. You project a corporate brand that lacks excitement.
  4. Your job ads are horrendous.
  5. Your comp plans do not give reps enough incentives.
  6. You convey a boring, tedious workplace reinforced by a gloomier career path.
  7. You provide a poor recruitment experience for applicants.

1) You’re looking for sales talent in the wrong places.

The job market is in flux. Skills and talent are in dire shortage, and workplace demographics are also shifting. Baby boomers are retiring in droves, while millennials and younger generations are steadily taking over the reins. Moreover, competent sales practitioners are often busy doing what they’re good at — closing deals or successfully building rapport with clients without actively looking for jobs. As a result, you won’t reach them through traditional job boards or online postings. If you stick with conventional ways employers search for candidates, you’ll be left with the dregs of the job market.

TIP: Establish your company’s ideal sales candidate personas. Study the behavior of these personas and understand where you might reach potential candidates and how best to catch their attention. Use indirect but consequential messaging on social media channels (such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn) during industry events, conferences, and specialist sites that provide content, training, and other resources for sales professionals.

2) You’re using outdated recruitment practices.

The process is key to efficiency, but only when it evolves with emerging market realities. If you were to rely on snail-mailed resumes or posting job ads in the Sunday paper, for example, your competitors would have already onboarded a few good candidates well before you can set a job interview with the sub-par applicants they’ve already rejected. Implementing a one-size-fits-all recruitment strategy would also short-change your team, especially when you deploy specialized roles in your sales organization.

TIP: The world has gone digital, and you’ll lose out if you don’t have a catchy, upbeat presence on online job boards and other channels. But even that is just the bare minimum. As mentioned previously, don’t rely solely on conventional postings. There are other tools, such as applicant tracking systems (ATS) and cloud-based talent management platforms, that you should try out. Build a virtual talent pool on social media channels by publishing thought leadership articles relevant to sales practitioners.

best interview tips for sales jobs

3) You project a corporate brand that flat-out lacks excitement.

When you accept that your niche is unsexy, you doom your team to a mindset of irrelevance—your brand matters. If you go far afield with a brand and a disposition that shouts “boring,” you’ll repel excellent sales professionals who demand the best from employers in exchange for delivering outstanding performance. These elite sellers won’t settle for a timid, lackluster brand that doesn’t seem to care about the people behind it.

TIP: Millennials and younger generations place a high premium on “experience” and online reputation. Your corporate culture and “employer rating” will be at least as necessary to this subset of professionals as the compensation package you’ll offer them. The first step is establishing an open environment that values people and provides systemic support for their careers, health, and happiness. Doing this equips HR or a public relations team with solid authenticity to present a workplace culture worth thriving in. Next, aim for audience mindshare by which your company comes top-of-mind each time an excellent sales practitioner begins looking for a new employer.

4) Your job ads are horrendous.

Your job posts say a lot about how much you value your advertising role. Avoid using run-of-the-mill templates that don’t differentiate your brand, your needs, and the benefits you offer from other recruiters. Ambiguity, long-windedness, ridiculously high qualifications, triteness, grammatical errors, excessively formal tone, and disproportionate focus on the company can dissuade job seekers from further considering your post.

TIP: Be accurate, error-free, and upbeat when creating the copy for your job posts. Focus on what the job entails but fine-tune the message along a job seeker’s vantage point and emotional lens. Clarify both the requirements and the benefits. Don’t use a copy that sounds too formal or demanding. That will scare half of the job market. But don’t make it sound too easy either because that turns off achievers looking for challenging roles.

recruiting tips salespeople

5) Your compensation plans need to give reps more incentives.

This is where the rubber hits the road. Most professionals place compensation near the top of their priorities, and any recruiter playing scrooge on compensation risks discouraging good sales candidates from applying. Worse than scrimping is creating the impression that you offer generous packages but can deliver a much smaller paycheck. Doing so causes major candidate frustration when they realize the truth and tarnishes their reputation.

TIP: Be honest when it comes to compensation. If you offer above-market rates, it’s better to mention the package in your post to draw more applicants. Otherwise, hold off disclosing your hand and focus on non-monetary benefits such as free training, a flexible schedule, and other perks you offer. The bottom line is to persuade excellent candidates that your company is worth working for without resorting to dirty tricks.

6) You convey a boring, tedious workplace reinforced by a gloomier career path.

Compensation is a significant part of the employment agreement, but it is not everything. If your organization seems peculiar, like the company parodied in Dilbert and other satirical comic strips/television series, you have a lot of house-cleaning. Tedious labor without the possibility of achieving a healthy work-life balance or getting sensible promotions drains motivation and productivity like a leaky faucet.

TIP: Make working with you both fun and fulfilling. Whenever applicable, send a clear message that salespeople are valued in your organization. Highlight advantages such as company-subsidized professional development programs, travel incentives, generous commissions, job meaning, impact, and clear career paths and growth avenues for sellers. If these are still on the wish list, think of other tangible ways to make your company worth working for.

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7) You provide a poor recruitment experience for applicants.

Your hiring process provides a window to your workplace’s actual day-to-day conditions. A poor experience for applicants during this process portends a poor experience working for your company. If your recruitment process seems disorganized, unnecessarily takes a lot of time, and feels too convoluted, applicants will quickly lose the appetite to see the whole thing through.

TIP: Create a clear and effective recruitment plan. Map out each step and set expectations at the onset of the hiring process. Hence, candidates are always transparent and updated about their application status at any point in the process. Streamline interview questions and bridge any gap in communication across the engagement.

Key Takeaway: Good recruiters attract good candidates

You need competent salespeople to grow your startup. But they are hard to find and rarely come cheap. For highly skilled and motivated sellers to join your team, you must do your part as a responsible employer that values its people. And it all starts with the applicant journey as sales candidates go through the stages of your recruitment process. To hire the best people, offer the best value you can.

Are you looking to fill tech sales jobs and need help? Click here to get started with Rainmakers!

trade show tips for exhibitors and vendor booths at conferences

Conference Booth Networking For Vendors

You’ve seen it time and time again at conference after conference. The glorious expo hall, aka sea of SaaS vendor booths. Some are crushing, while others are sitting around wishing they had more people stopping for demos and chatter. This guide will explain how to stand out from the noise and get some real achievable ROI for your company’s booth investment.

Conferences are growing in importance within the business landscape in helping companies grow their brand awareness and engage with prospects. As such, a growing number of leaders in marketing are investing in booths and sponsorships for various conferences relevant to their particular businesses and industry.

Once such an investment has been made, the booth must be adequately staffed. The team must have a cohesive strategy to engage with attendees so that the company can achieve the greatest possible ROI for that conference. To do so, however, is not so straightforward and can be quite challenging since many other vendors are often prying for the attention of the same prospective buyers.

Therefore if you’ve been tapped on as one of the trusted agents of your enterprise to go to such a conference as the ambassador of your company, what are some ways you can stand out from the crowd and make the most of your time there? That’s exactly what we’re here to discuss.

Here are some best practices you can follow to maximize your chances of developing a positive relationship with a conference attendee and ultimately growing your company’s pipeline, which is what your executive team will expect from such an investment.

how to impress at trade shows

1) Smile

Think about it. Who would ever want to approach someone with an unpleasant frown at a booth? If it’s abhorrently apparent to others that the staffer doesn’t want to be there, they can safely assume their conversation with that individual will be lackluster at best.

The power of the smile, especially at conferences, cannot be understated. Smiles are contagious and can attract others. Smiling also signals to others that they are welcome to come and speak to you. It may seem like body language basics, but it works!

Best of all, it allows for the interaction to get a kick start on the right note, given that a smile will often be reciprocated, leaving your conversational counterpart to think subconsciously the exchange is going well. Of course, the rest of your conversation must continue to engage and excite the prospect, but this is a great way to get the ball rolling.

2) Act as a guide

This might be the best networking tip of them all.

Though you are not an employee of the conference, it may behoove you to try and match the knowledge of their staff. The reason is that if you can have a solid understanding of locations and schedules, you can act as a guide for those attending the conference. At the very least, we would advise you to try and obtain a map or schedule of the forum that you can reference for this purpose.

This can be a fantastic ice breaker to start a conversation and will create an opportunity for an immediately positive interaction since you’re offering assistance. For example, if you see someone with a lost look while you’re staffing your booth, you can directly walk forward confidently and ask if there’s anything you can do to assist them.

Once you’ve been able to help that individual, you can parlay the conversation so that you relate things to your company’s product or services. It’s highly possible that individual could be a prospective buyer or know someone who might be.

Another possibility is that the individual may be late to a session and speed off quickly after your little interaction but don’t worry, as your show of goodwill won’t be for naught. There’s still the possibility that you may run into that individual again later in the conference. Once an acquaintanceship has been established, it should be much easier to approach the individual later. Don’t let them leave without taking your business card, which is a perfect segue for our next point.

how to stand out trade show

3) Bring business cards and company swag

It’s safe to say that a booth without swag is at a significant disadvantage at these conferences. Though it may seem a bit materialistic, many conference attendees will feel inclined to engage with booth staffers to get free swag.

Though the seemingly frivolous distribution of items will often not lead to a lot of closed business, it can do a great deal for a company in terms of brand awareness. This is even truer the more unique that particular giveaway item is.

For example, we gave away branded fidget spinners as swag during one particular conference I had attended previously in the security space. In following up with one of our target prospects, he informed me that the timing for our services wasn’t quite right but that we’d be the first vendor he would call should circumstances change because he found our swag particularly unique. He had always wanted to get a fidget spinner as an office toy but didn’t want to go out of his way to buy one himself.

I’ve also seen this in action firsthand. Sumologic must have, at one point, distributed stress balls designed to look like a cartoon sumo character because we had quite a few lying around our offices. During one of our happy hours, a colleague happened to cap his beer glass with this sumo character which sparked a conversation about the hilarity of the item. What followed suit was a further discussion about the company and its ongoing business.

The need for business cards should go without saying, as it’s such a standard practice people will almost expect to be handed a business card at a conference. They won’t even bat an eye as to why it’s being given to them, and it only benefits you as a vendor to hand them out. The more items prospects have to remember you by, the more likely you’ll be the first to come to mind as a solution for a relevant problem in the future.

4) Add people on LinkedIn

Whenever you interact with someone at a conference, it would be wise to add them on LinkedIn. As mentioned earlier, the more items someone has to remember you by, the more likely you’ll be to come to mind. This carries valid in the digital realm as well.

If they are a prospective buyer, it will allow you to keep in touch more easily. But, even if they’re not, there’s a chance that someone in their network may be, so the next time you publish content, it only increases the chances it reaches the right people in your space.

You can, of course, also try and connect with these individuals on other forms of social media, such as Twitter and the like. Still, more often than not, people view other platforms as a hub for their connections, not professional ones. So unless you could connect with that individual personally, it might seem out of place to try and connect with them on any other platform. As such, we recommend, for the most part, you stick with LinkedIn.

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5) Ask about others first

Creating a memorable interaction can be very difficult at conferences, given the sheer volume of interactions attendees will have. One way you can give yourself an edge in trying to stand out is to first ask about others. It also works excellently as an ice-breaker since people often enjoy talking about themselves.

Many other staffers, especially the more inexperienced ones, will often start a conversation with prospects jumping straight into who they are and what their company can offer, knowing very little about the person they’re talking to. Like on a cold call, it’s hard to find value propositions around your product or services that a prospect can relate to unless you understand their role and responsibilities.

Therefore you should use this as an opportunity to make a little discovery. It will help transition the conversation to your company much easier and more relatable. Moreover, since the law of reciprocity naturally binds humans, you won’t even have to segue the conversation yourself. Since you have gone out of your way to ask about the person you’re speaking to, that individual will likely, in turn, ask you the same, which would be your cue to take the knowledge you just gathered and pitch your product or services in a manner that would be most relevant.

Conferences can be hectic for many with so many things going on at any given time, but ultimately the goal for any organization in making the investment to attend or sponsor these events is to get in front of the right people and grow their business.

Hopefully, these tips can help you stand out from the crowd and do just that. So now go out there and, as always, make it rain!

what makes a bad sales person

Avoiding Costly Mistakes

The cost of hiring the wrong sales candidate can be excruciating. In this article, we’ll explain how to avoid that.

A full roster is a standard to aim for, but that doesn’t guarantee you’re getting an optimal salesforce. New sales hires can either make or break your team’s performance. Good hires certainly will help you sustain growth and even improve overall performance down the road, but onboarding bad candidates can cause problems much worse than a simple headache.

In any business organization, recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and training job candidates entails substantial costs of time, money, and effort. A recent CareerBuilder survey estimates that the average price of one bad hire in the U.S. is $15,000. That barely includes severe business impacts such as reduced productivity, lost time to hire and train more deserving candidates, tarnished output quality (your brand!), and spikes in customer attrition rate.

Bad hires — especially those with harmful emotional baggage — can also cause team morale to plummet and significantly undercut the team’s ability to maintain standards, comply with timelines, and achieve goals. Finally, bad hires rarely stay put, forcing you to go through the recruitment cycle again (sigh) and spend even more precious resources in the process.

In the case of a sales organization, hiring bad candidates directly impacts revenues and your bottom line. Indeed, you wouldn’t want anything to mess up those figures. But, unfortunately, bad sales hires come and go more often than expected. That’s because of several factors inherent in sales recruitment:

  1. Most people think sales are straightforward. However, desperate job seekers would try their luck applying for a sales opening even if they prefer another role.
  2. Selling is not for everyone. A successful sales career requires unique skills, experience, personality, and mindset combinations.
  3. Sales-related certifications exist, but these are rare and are seldom industry-mandated or required as qualifications in job ads.

what to do with bad sales candidates

Given this scenario, sales recruiters need the right tools and awareness that will help them prevent mediocre candidates from ever getting a foothold. Detecting red flags well before handing out a job offer is an excellent place to start.

To help you do that, here are some of the most common telltale signs of a wrong sales candidate:

1) Low interest, enthusiasm, or motivation.

An applicant who doesn’t demonstrate enthusiasm about the role she is aiming for may show the same disinterest when making pitches on the sales floor. Of course, it is possible that your initial impression is inaccurate or that the applicant is only momentarily unmotivated. Still, even minor optics and small lapses can become real disadvantages later. As a sales recruiter, you’ll always want (visibly and genuinely) passionate, driven professionals on board.

2) Hates doing homework.

Did the candidate research your company, services, and critical movers before sending his application or attending an interview? If not, ignore the fool. If a candidate chooses not to spend time preparing, he is not worth your time. After all, selling success primarily depends on how prepared you are when engaging prospects. Only sales professionals willing to do their homework can dare hope to achieve targets.

3) Lacks basic sales competency.

Selling techniques and advanced methodologies can be learned. But don’t settle for candidates who lack even the rudimentary skill to sell themselves — especially when better candidates are around. For example, if a candidate can’t formulate a decent elevator speech to get noticed, hiring one will short-change your team.

Moreover, avoid candidates who can’t seem to listen and those who ask senseless questions. Conversely, block anyone who doesn’t ask any questions at all. Selling is a conversation; active listening and asking the right questions are essential to successful customer engagement.

how to hire sales people

4) Unprofessional behavior.

Excessive spelling/grammatical errors, sharing sensitive information about former employers, immature mannerisms, disturbing posts on social media, coarse/impolite language, and dressing way off the norm are some signs of unprofessional behavior. You’re not running a police state and have a reasonable tolerance for deviant behavior, but there’s a limit to what a competent sales organization can take. Sales is methodical and adheres to norms and best practices, primarily in B2B. Going well beyond acceptable thresholds will cause an unwanted impact on your brand or performance.

5) Bad punctuality and time management.

Managing time and respecting other people’s schedules may seem so old school, but punctuality remains high on the list of critical selling skills. You will always want sales professionals who meet timelines and rarely need to cram at the very last leg of the quarter to meet quotas.

Showing up late during client engagements shows that you lack motivation and respect for other people’s time. Few customers will be willing to wait for perennially delayed demos when a rival vendor can deliver the goods immediately. After all, the digital economy unfolds in an age of instant gratification.

6) Excessive job hopping.

Frequently switching roles or employers shows candidates struggle to follow a coherent, focused career track. Think twice before investing time and money to hire and train this type of applicant. The costs of hiring and losing workers are becoming prohibitive in highly competitive markets like B2B tech sales. In addition, frequent job hopping may also be a sign of personality flaws in the candidate that you wouldn’t want to deal with as a sales leader.

weak sales team tips

7) Underperforming career track.

On the other hand, you also need to flag candidates who have more or less held the same role and pay grade in the same company for many years. Something is wrong if a professional struggles to get a promotion for a long time and still chooses to stay. You would want highly driven sales professionals who care about their career advancement and possess reasonable ambition.

8) Lies during the interview.

Perform due diligence if a sales candidate’s online profile or submitted resume seems too good to be true. Of course, you want excellent and highly motivated sellers on your team, but you want the real deal, not counterfeit con artists. Understandably, people would like to show you their best foot forward, but excessive self-promotion to misleading and lying to recruiters is a glaring red flag.

Validate claimed certifications, degrees, and sales achievements, especially when dollar signs and other verifiable metrics accompany these. Lying about relevant experiences, even in minor aspects such as the number of months an applicant worked in a particular company, is a big deal for companies with high ethical standards. Remember, trust is the most valuable currency in sales.

9) High levels of negativity and vibes of disgruntlement.

Happy, well-balanced, and passionate people are what you need for your salesforce. Your door should be locked for candidates who demonstrate toxic levels of negativity and emotional baggage even at the onset. Applicants who regularly bad-mouth former employers and co-workers shouldn’t find a way to join your team. Candidates who think they are always the best, show excessive aggression, and take credit even for achievements for which they have minimal contributions should be shown the nearest exit. Finally, chronic complainers and whiners won’t thrive in sales — a world where getting rejected multiple times is just part of the daily grind.

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10) Lack of legitimate references.

You want candidates who are proud of their professional or academic achievements and who can readily have someone authorized to verify their credentials. Sometimes, the standard practice is to provide character or professional references only upon a recruiter’s request. That is understandable, but what amounts to a red flag is when the only connection submitted is the candidate’s cousin. Always prefer candidates whose applications are backed by solid and relevant references, especially when you know or can readily reach out to these persons.

Avoid Making Bad Sales Hires… Once And For All

Having incompetent or unmotivated sellers in your team wastes valuable resources and negatively impacts morale and performance. Of course, the ideal scenario is to have a reliable system that prevents sub-par applicants from ever getting on board. However, the preceding red flags should at least alert you of common types of unwanted candidates.

Here are some final tips to remember/implement:

  1. Don’t be desperate. Don’t settle for candidates you feel will cause headaches later on.
  2. Create and adopt an Ideal Candidate Profile for each role in your sales team.
  3. Do your homework. Perform background checks. Go beyond online profiles and resumes and snoop around to verify what candidates claim in their applications.
  4. Conduct preliminary phone interviews to spare yourself the agony of actual, in-person interviews with behaviorally flawed or unprofessional candidates.
  5. Partner with specialist recruiters or reliable talent scouts in your particular field.

Ready to find top candidates for your organization? Let Rainmakers help! Contact us to get started!

tips for hiring sales team

Building A Successful Sales Team

In this series, How to Build a Sales Team from 0-10 employees, we review how early-stage software companies can go from having a tiny or non-existent sales team to having a large, organized, and revenue-generating sales team. Specifically, we’re writing for CEO’s with little sales experience or new sales managers of small startups.

There are many parts to building a successful sales team. You need to hire right, put the proper procedures into place to make your team successful, provide your sales team with the appropriate business development/marketing support, etc. For the first part of our series, we’ll focus on hiring right because we believe this is essential to creating a successful sales team.

If you have a product market fit and talented/hardworking salespeople, you can do many other things wrong and still see substantial revenue growth.

Which Roles Should You Hire First?

In most cases, your first two sales hires should be two Account Executives.

They will be ‘full cycle’ AE’s handling the business relationship from beginning to finish.

There are many career paths for an AE, but in this case, they will essentially be an SDR, AE, and AM simultaneously.

You do this for a few reasons:

  • Hiring only one AE removes competition from the sales process and disables you from seeing any ‘average’ performance levels.
  • Before hiring SDRs to book meetings for your AE’s, you must ensure you have AE’s that can close deals.

For more information on this very early stage of hiring, we recommend you watch Danny Leonard from 500 Startups speak about this process.

Danny notes that for these early AE’s, you need particularly hungry, entrepreneurial, aggressive salespeople who can pursue new business in a new market with a product with little brand recognition. This is likely a different type of employee than a highly polished and refined salesperson you’ll hire as your company grows.

After your AE’s are consistently closing deals, NOT BEFORE, you can start to scale your sales team. An initial scaling will look something like going from 2 AE’s to 3 AE’s and 2 to 3 SDR’s.

By the way, hiring for SDRs is a different ballgame. Great SDRs will certainly have adjacent skills to AEs, but they are not necessarily the same.

Once you have 3 AE’s, you can begin to have a good idea of performance baselines. Here’s what you should see (again, if you have a product-market fit):

  • Exceptional AE’s will close up to 45% of opportunities in their pipeline

  • Decent AE’s will close 20-30% of opportunities in their pipeline

  • Poor AE’s will close less than 15% of opportunities in their pipeline and should be fired

Ideally, you want to foster a culture of excellence in your company and have all AE’s performing exceptionally. You’re doing a swell job if you have two decent and one exceptional AE on your sales team.

Once your sales team is at 5 or 6 people, if your company doesn’t have a sales leader, it’s time to hire one. There are two choices, hiring an experienced external leader or promoting your most talented AE to the role.

According to Auren Hoffman (serial entrepreneur with over 1B in exits), companies hire externally for leadership because they want to import the culture of other companies (they want to be like Google or Oracle, so they hire sales managers from there). If you want a pure culture (this is the route Auren seems to prefer for his own companies), you promote internally.

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Post Sales Leadership – Hire For Growth

Now that you have a sales leader, you should hire conservatively more salespeople. On the other hand, if you have three good AE’s, there’s no need to hire more unless they all have full calendars. If they don’t have full calendars, it’s more important to find out how to earn more leads before hiring more salespeople.

In other words, improve the SDR team’s output or improve marketing efforts before hiring more AE’s. Unfortunately, companies hire too many AE’s and then have to divide the opportunities so much that no AE meets their quota. This is bad for morale and financially inefficient.

Think about your AE’s as conversion rates — and know that they only have value in proportion to the opportunities the company can feed them.

How To Hire For Your Fast Growing Sales Team

Hiring for a sales team is hard, especially if you don’t come from a sales background. You have to hire based on the individual level (will this person perform well?) and group level (will these people work well together to accomplish goals as a team?).

We’ve detailed two criteria you can use to evaluate candidates, with clear-cut guidelines to help make your hiring decisions more straightforward.

We think you should focus on:

  • Sales Talent (for individual success)
  • Diversity (for the success of the team)

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How To Identify Sales Talent

Sales talent is different from other kinds of talent. It’s not the talent of a software engineer or symphonic pianist. Instead, good SaaS salespeople must be effective communicators, socially strategic, technical, hardworking, and patient.

Here’s a good breakdown of evaluating sales talent:


There are a lot of stereotypes about good salespeople being the former high school popular kid who gets B minuses and C pluses. For good software salespeople, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Your company needs intelligent salespeople. Can you evaluate this by looking at what school a candidate went to and what grades they got? This might help a bit, but assessing intelligence through a conversation during the interview is better.

Here’s a great question to ask to evaluate intelligence and its favorite mega-investor Peter Thiel.

“What is an opinion you have the most other people disagree with?”

An intelligent person can respond thoughtfully because smart people think outside the box.

Ability To Learn (And Be Coached):

Often this is referred to as ‘coachability.’ But what happens if you’re a CEO with no sales experience hiring your first two AE’s? In this case, you need salespeople who can recognize their own mistakes and areas to improve and figure out how to do better. In addition, we’ve found that salespeople who are naturally curious and humble can learn from others (management, coaches, peers) and their experience. So, again, this is something you need to hire for.

finding top sales talent tips

Hunger, Hustle, Heart:

Is this person going to work hard enough to foster a culture of competitiveness on my team and drive revenue? You can evaluate this by asking about career goals (people with high ambitions want to beat the competition to make it to the top). People who played sports in high school or college typically fit this criterion, but so do candidates who did not. You’ll have to go with your gut on this one for the most part.

Hiring For Diversity

We think diversity is perhaps the most critical component of having a successful sales team. This is true for driving revenue, as sales teams with diverse backgrounds can pursue a wider variety of accounts. It’s even more critical for internal culture, however, as groups that lack diversity often form cliques, and the development of cliques at a startup is highly counterproductive.

We think you should try your best to hire the following kinds of diversity when building your early sales team:

Gender diversity:

Study after study has concluded that sales teams with a sizable portion of women almost consistently outperform their male-dominated counterparts. In addition, for various reasons (perhaps being more empathetic generally), women are typically 5% more likely to close a deal than male salespeople.

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Cultural diversity:

Having a mixture of cultural backgrounds at a company is vital to having a strong ‘company culture.’ The more backgrounds there are, the more perspectives and ideas permeate the company. This promotes individualism and creativity and prevents ‘group thinking.’ As a result, there are massive opportunities to sell SaaS in Asian and Latin American markets that require salespeople from those backgrounds.

Experience diversity:  

As we mentioned earlier, it is essential for early sales hires to be aggressive and hungry. Unfortunately, this often means hiring salespeople with less experience than usual who can ‘grow with the company. However, when a company starts selling large contracts to Fortune 500 companies, it will likely need to hire more experienced sales reps who have done something similar. That being said, with a mixture (for example, one experienced rep and two less experienced), the experienced rep can coach the newer ones while the newer ones keep the experienced rep hungry and on her toes.

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How To Be A Top Salesperson

When running a sales organization, every manager knows that there are different kinds of players you can have on your team. They usually come in 3 categories: the A-Players, the B-Players, and the C-Players. For the most part, people seem to agree on what defines a C-player and a B-player. In this article, we’ll uncover what makes an A-Player in sales and why they tend to get the best opportunities in sales.


The C-players are the people that are usually a little lower in the ranks because, as we’d expect, they do the bare minimum to get by. They’re the ones who seem to get their work done just barely one time. They also tend to make excuses and need more attention/coaching during 1 on 1’s and quarterly reviews than others to get their performance up to a satisfactory level.

As a manager, these are the players you want to avoid because they’ll be the ones that can turn into time sinks and even negatively impact your team’s culture and productivity. As an individual contributor, this is the category you want to avoid falling into. It will destroy your chances at upward mobility, and even more so, if things happen to take a turn for the worst, you’ll likely be among the first on the chopping block.


B-Players are consistent and reliable performers. You can rely on them to get the job done correctly and in a timely fashion when something needs to get done. They have a solid understanding of what is expected of them and do what it takes to deliver on that expectation. B-players need little to no coaching but can keep their productivity at the level it needs.

However, there may be a little pushback when something requires them to go above and beyond their job description or put in more hours than is necessary. Regardless, these are still people you want to keep on your team as they are essential for maintaining a well-run and organized business.

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It’s well accepted that these individuals go above and beyond duty. These are the “5-star recruits” that you want to attract and hold onto as long as you possibly can because they are the ones that can truly help move your business forward.

The qualities of an A-player are more widely debated because different characteristics are more important depending on the manager and industry the individual is working. That said, here’s a short list of qualities that would apply universally to an A player regardless of someone’s industry.

1. They reach for stretch goals and hold themselves to a higher standard.

Stretch goals are those objectives that are just beyond our reach, and so many of us choose not to set them. Instead, we may opt for something more achievable to feel good about ourselves when we meet our goals. A-players, however, do not share this same restraint. Instead, they put aside all fears and purposefully push themselves beyond their limits, understanding that it’s only when they are forced out of their comfort zone that they can grow the most.

Another reason A players are so valuable is the higher standard they hold for themselves. Unlike a B-player whose lack of motivation may influence what they see in a C-player colleague and ultimately have their productivity drop, the A player will keep chugging at their average pace. They are utterly undeterred by others and entirely motivated by their desire to succeed. Best of all, they have the complete opposite effect on the team’s culture and productivity that a C-player has. Where a C-player may negatively impact a B-player’s productiveness, an A-player can bring up the motivational energy in both the B-players and C-players.

2. They understand the importance of teamwork and communication.

It’s probably not uncommon for an A-player to prefer getting work done independently as they usually see themselves as the most capable people for the job. Still, at the same time, they’ll recognize when something is beyond their bandwidth and will effectively employ the help of their colleagues to get the job done. For example, in an organization that has a role for a Solutions Consultant (SC) or Solutions Engineer (SE), an A-player Sales Rep will recognize that they don’t need to invest all their time and effort in preparing for an upcoming demo. Instead, they’ll make more effective use of their time by focusing on managing the relationship with their prospect and effectively communicating the wants, needs, and pains to their SC/SE so that they can be topics of focus during the presentation.

They’re also the ones who often make that extra effort to ensure everyone is on the same page.

When dealing with prospects, they ask questions like

“Am I understanding that correctly?” or “So you’re telling me x, y and z. Did I hear that right?”.

They understand that sometimes you need to slow things down to speed things up, so they put in the extra effort to make sure that they are as straightforward as possible in their communication to avoid any confusion and issues down the line.

Jon Miller, Co-founder of both Marketo and Engagio, once said,

“The most successful reps are often the most paranoid. They are always on the lookout for what could go wrong and take proactive measures to prevent them.”

A-players also understand that recognition for good work does not have to be a zero-sum game. When the team works towards a successful endeavor, they readily give credit where credit is due, understanding that this builds trust and more effective collaboration amongst the group in the future. They truly embody what the definition of a “team player” is.

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3. They are in tune with the company’s vision and take initiative.

A-players don’t need to be told what to do. At any given point, they understand the company’s goals and objectives and take action towards these goals of their own accord. They don’t worry about the minimum metrics required of them by the company and instead keep their focus on results and the bigger picture. They understand that reaching their hundred dials or two hundred emails will ultimately amount to almost nothing if they’re not being sent to the right people with the right message and towards the right objectives.

Additionally, these people aren’t afraid to act on their own and don’t feel the need to always ask for permission. These individuals have the confidence to do so because they can put themselves in management’s shoes and understand what the best courses of action are moving forward. This is mainly what makes them attractive to their managers in the future as candidates for promotions and is usually why they’re even considered in the first place.

4. They can put the good of the company before their own.

This doesn’t mean that A-players are people you can easily take advantage of. On the contrary, that’s a surefire way to ensure you lose these A-players. Since A-players are so capable, they’re usually brilliant people with a strong level of intuition. Therefore, once they sense that they’re being treated or paid unfairly, they’ll be quick to find another opportunity that better suits their standards. A-players may choose to focus on their careers over their personal lives, but they won’t stand to have it imposed on them.

Instead, what this means is that A players are those who can take a look at a situation and play through in their heads what the repercussions of their decisions will be. For example, they may understand they could make a false promise to a potential customer to make the sale and make a quick buck quickly. However, they’re able to foresee that in doing so, they are setting the company and customer success team up for failure and therefore opt for the high road of doing right by the customer, even if it means offering a discount or preceding the deal altogether if there truly isn’t a good fit.

They’re also the ones that aren’t afraid to lend a helping hand to those in need. If a teammate is struggling to fill their pipeline and actively voices a request for help, these guys are willing to take a moment to provide some advice on how to get their colleagues back on the right track. I’ve seen many A-players take the time to help their colleagues practice their pitches and demos, even offering to join them on their following calls as support, often without expecting anything in return.

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Find an A-Player

A-players in sales stand out not just for their ability to achieve impressive results, but more importantly, for their foresight, integrity, and commitment to the long-term success of both their company and their customers. By prioritizing ethical practices and thoughtful decision-making over short-term gains, these top performers ensure sustainable growth and foster trust, both within their teams and in the relationships they build with clients.

Their approach goes beyond mere sales tactics; it reflects a deeper understanding of the value of honesty and strategic thinking in creating lasting business success and strong customer relationships. Ultimately, these A-players embody the ideal blend of skill, ethics, and vision that sets the benchmark for excellence in the sales industry.

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SPIN Selling

The world of sales today is dramatically different from what it was a generation ago. Today there are more technologies and tools at the disposal of sales professionals to help make their jobs a little easier. Some might even say that there are far too many tools out there, making it difficult to identify which ones are the best to use. Of course, what’s best for one organization may not be the best for everyone else. As is with all tools and services, each one has its strengths and weaknesses. Therefore understanding how well these match the needs of your business is key to finding that best fit.

Now when it comes to choosing a tool to help your sales team, there are a lot of options. You can choose to invest in tracking systems, masked dialers, email automation, or a plethora of other technologies out there to help improve sales efficiency. To dig deeper and compare the various players in each of these spaces would result in an overly extensive report that most people probably would not want to read through in its entirety. As such the focus of this article will be on lead database solutions that can help the very early, and possibly most crucial, stages of the sales process, prospecting and engaging. Also, do note that this is not a fully comprehensive list.  However, this list is a great way to kickstart your search. The vendors we’ll be looking at today are InsideView, ZoomInfo, DiscoverOrg, and Elucify.



Other than Elucify, which is a free tool, InsideView is the least expensive of all the providers on this list. As of December of 2016, their pricing was at $99/month per user, with a 15% discount if you go with a full year subscription instead of going month-to-month. With that subscription you’ll have access to their database which provides names, titles, emails and phone numbers for prospects at your target accounts. They also have links to some of your prospects social media profiles if they’re able to find them. The only downside is that of the phone numbers, only around 5% of them will be a direct dial. This might not be a huge concern for some, but for others it can definitely be a deal breaker since direct dials can definitely help speed up the sales process by allowing reps to bypass some gatekeepers. The other thing to note about this service is that they do have a 5 seat minimum, so if your team happens to be smaller than that, you may have to consider buying more than you need to start off.



Founded in 2000, ZoomInfo is the oldest vendor on this list. Having been in the space for quite a long time, their database is actually very well fleshed out. From personal experience in using the service, I can attest that they do have plenty of workable contacts across various functions and industries. The way ZoomInfo goes about populating their database by using a proprietary web crawler called NextGenSearchBot to analyze, extract and store information. They also have a free version of the tool available which requires users to download an extension that also provides them with even more data. Though ZoomInfo is a little more expensive than InsideView, being priced at $4,900/year for 2 seats, it has a strong advantage in that their database contains a large amount of direct dials. The accuracy of their direct dials has some room for improvement but overall they do work and is well worth the price difference for those willing to cough up the extra cash to gain access to them. Though they don’t particularly help you find all the social media profiles for your prospects, they do have a button you can click to quickly find your prospects on LinkedIn which is actually a pretty helpful feature that can save reps a bit of time. There is also an integration with Salesforce, so if your company is using Salesforce for its CRM, you can take advantage of that integration to more quickly import contacts and save your reps even more time.



DiscoverOrg is probably the most expensive of the vendors on this list with a price tag of $2,000/month for 3 users. However with that high price tag also comes a lot more data accuracy. They claim to have 95% accuracy as a result of their 90 day refresh cycle wherein their dedicated researchers call to re-verify all of their information in the systems. They also provide you with a report on the technologies that some of these companies have as well, which can be particularly helpful for certain businesses. DiscoverOrg also provides their best guess at an organization chart to help reps more easily navigate an organization and more quickly find decision makers, though they can’t contractually promise for these charts to be as accurate. Their database is also skewed more towards data around the Information Technology and Services sector, so if that happens to be your target market it could be even more reason to give DiscoverOrg some serious consideration.



Elucify is actually a tool that anyone can use. Their product is currently in beta and completely free for users. All you need to do is register with a valid business email and you can gain access to their database of leads. They do have a paid version of their product coming up in the near future but for now it’s still a resource that any sales or marketing professional can lean on if they want an additional source of data, especially one that’s free of charge. The contingency is that like ZoomInfo by signing up, you’re agreeing to sharing the business contacts you interact with from that account. This is actually how they’re building out their database and because the company is still in its early stages the database is not as fleshed out as it could be. There is definitely some data accuracy issues here as well. Additionally, unlike some of the other lead database providers we looked at earlier, Elucify only provides you with names, titles and emails. Direct dials aren’t something the company seems to be focusing on, at least for now, but overall the company is getting some serious groundswell and definitely seems to be headed in the right direction. If you don’t plan on leveraging them immediately, it’s definitely worth just keeping tabs to see how the product might evolve in the years to come.


Final Takeaway
Just to reiterate, though this list is not comprehensive of all the tools available today it should serve as a great starting point for your research journey in finding the best tool for your team and organization. If you’d like to check out some other providers you can also take a look at Book Your Data, Unomy, Dun & Bradstreet, Hoovers, DataFox, Datanyze, ProfileHopper, LeadGenius, Ripple, Cliently, or the many other companies working to empower sales and marketing that weren’t included here. Again there is no shortage of help out there so take the time to dig through the pros and cons of each company to see which could make the greatest impact on the success of your own business. You can also reference business software review websites like G2Crowd, TrustRadius, Gartner, Capterra, Crozdesk and even communities like Reddit for further insights to aid in your search.

-Dean Park


Dean Park is a seasoned tech sales professional that’s been involved with a wide range of organizations from startups to enterprise businesses. Dean is also a sales mentor at GrowthX Academy in San Francisco.

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